Hi Prof,

Thank you for your reply. Sorry that I missed out the below information.
[1] "LC_COLLATE=English_United States.1252;LC_CTYPE=English_United 
States.1252;LC_NUMERIC=C;LC_TIME=English_United States.1252"

I have just noticed that traditional chinese character cause the encoding 
problem, while chinese simplified works fine.

>theurl <- getURL("http://home.sina.com",encoding='utf8')
>txt <- readLines(con=textConnection(theurl),encoding='utf8')

When I open the fileas.txt, the Chinese traditional character readable in 
notepad, but when I try to read file to Rgui:-
> smple <- scan('D:/fileas.txt',what='')
Then it comes to unrecognisable character again, I was wondering if Rgui 
support traditional Chinese character now... 

I think I need to looking for solution of inter-Chinese character's translation.
Thank you.



Hi Ryusuke
 I would use the encoding parameter of htmlParse() and 
 download and parse the content in one operation:
     htmlParse("http://home.sina.com";, encoding = "UTF-8")
 If you want to use getURL() in RCurl, use the .encoding parameter
  You didn't tell us the output of Sys.getlocale()
  or how your terminal/console is configured, so the above
  may vary under your configuration, but works on various
  machines for me with different settings.
Ryusuke Kenji wrote:
> Hi All,
> First method:-
> >library(XML)
> >theurl <- "http://home.sina.com";
> >download.file(theurl, "tmp.html")
> >txt <- readLines("tmp.html")
> >txt <- htmlTreeParse(txt, error=function(...){}, useInternalNodes = 
> >g <- xpathSApply(txt, "//p", function(x) xmlValue(x))
> >head(grep(" ", g, value=T))
> [1] "?????? | ?????? | ENGLISH"                               
> "??????????????? ???????????????"                        
> [3] "??????? ?????????? ??????????????????(???)"              
> "?????????????????????????????? ????????????????????????"
> [5] " ???????????????????????????????????????"                "? ??????????! 
> ????? ??????! ????????????????????????!"  
> SecondMethod:-
> >library(RCurl)
> >theurl <- getURL("http://home.sina.com",encoding='GB2312')
> >Encoding(theurl)
> [1]"unknown"
> >txt <- readLines(con=textConnection(theurl),encoding='GB2312')
> >txt[5:10] #show the lines which occurred encoding problem.
> [1] "<meta http-equiv=\"Content-Type\" content=\"text/html; charset=utf-8\" 
> />"
> [2] "<title>SINA.com US ????????? -??????</title>"
> [3] "<meta name=\"Keywords\" content=\"????????????, ???????????????, 
> ???????????????, ??????????????????,????????????, SINA, US, News, Chinese, 
> Asia\" />"
> [4] "<meta name=\"Description\" 
> content=\"???????????????????????????????????????, 
> ???????????????24????????????????????????????????, ????????????????????????, 
> ????????????, ??????????????????, ????????????????????????, ?????????BBS, 
> ???????????????????????????????????.\" />"
> [5]""                                                                         
> [6] "<link rel=\"stylesheet\" type=\"text/css\" 
> href=\"http://ui.sina.com/assets/css/style_home.css\"; />"
> i am trying to read data from a Chinese language website, but the Chinese 
> characters always unreadable, may I know if any good idea to cope such 
> encoding problem in RCurl and XML?
> Regards,
> Ryusuke
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