
I am trying to plot several time series plots with R, but I can't seem to get 
the x-axis properly formatted. What I am doing at the moment is:

dates <- seq(as.Date("2007/06/10", "%Y/%m/%d"),
   as.Date("2010/03/28", "%Y/%m/%d"), 7)
plot(DateJonEnd1, End1Jon, main="Weekly Training at Endurance 1", xlab="Date",
   ylim=c(0,350), ylab="Volume at Endurance 1", type="b", xlim=c(13700,14750),
   las=1, xaxt="n")
axis.Date(1, End1Jon, dates, format="%m", padj=-1, tcl=-0.5)
axis.Date(1, End1Jon, dates, format="%y", tick=FALSE)
plot(Date500JonTime, Time500Jon, main="500m", ylim=c(41,45), xlab="Date",
   ylab="Time", type="b", xlim=c(13700,14750), las=1, xaxt="n")
axis.Date(1, Time500Jon, dates, format="%m", padj=-1, tcl=-0.5)
axis.Date(1, Time500Jon, dates, format="%y", tick=FALSE)
plot(DateJonVol, VolJon, main="Weekly Training Volume", xlab="Date",
   ylab="Total Volume", type="b", xlim=c(13700,14750), las=1, xaxt="n")
axis.Date(1, VolJon, dates, format="%m", padj=-1, tcl=-0.5)
axis.Date(1, VolJon, dates, format="%y", tick=FALSE)
mtext(expression(bold("Jon")), outer = FALSE, side=3, line=59.5, adj=-0.135,

How can I get R to put one tick per month on the x-axis? At the moment R also 
tries to optimize the labelling of the x-axis, but I would like it to label 
every month and every year, but the year only once, not once per label, the way 
it is doing it now.

Also, is there any way of increasing the single graphs on the one sheet? At the 
moment the graphs look so small and there is so much space between the graphs 
that is not being used.

Thank you very much!
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