
I didn't find any post on this subject so I ll ask you some advices.

Let's say that I have two library trees.

Number 1 is the default R library tree on path1
Number 2 is another library tree on a server with all packages on path2.

When I set library(aaMI,lib.loc=paths2) it loads the package even if its not on 
default R library
When I set library(fOptions,lib.loc=paths2) it doesn't load because timeSeries 
is not on default R library (timeSeries is a required package for fOptions)

> library(fOptions,lib.loc=.lib.loc)
Le chargement a nécessité le package : timeDate
Le chargement a nécessité le package : timeSeries
Erreur : le package 'timeSeries' ne peut être chargé
De plus : Message d'avis :
In library(pkg, character.only = TRUE, logical.return = TRUE, lib.loc = 
lib.loc) :
  aucun package nommé 'timeSeries' n'est trouvé

(Sorry for french error message. By the way, how can I set error in French 
(setting language in English in R installation is not sufficient !)

How can I set lib.loc for every package that I will load ?

Or is there any global way of doing this ?



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