While you are looking for a solution within R, it might be simpler to open your text file in almost any free text editor (Notepad++, Textwrangler, Smultron, vim come to mind), and do Replace all "' for ".

On Sep 12, 2010, at 3:58 PM, jim holtman wrote:

You can use the 'gsub' command to remove the quote marks.  You could
readLines/writeLines the file to clean it up with gsub before using
read.table on it so it can all be done within R.

On Sun, Sep 12, 2010 at 1:58 PM, Eva Nordstrom <eva.nordst...@yahoo.com > wrote:
I am using read.table to import a text file within R.

There are several "errors" in my text file. An "extra" quotation mark has
inadvertently been included within a few text fields.

e.g. for a pipe (|) delimited text file, I have something similar to this:

1|7|30| "dog"
2|6|25| ""cat"
4|5| 56| "mouse"
5|3|56| ""horse"
6|56| ""

In the above example| there are extra quotation marks within the fields for cat
and horse. (row 2 and row 5)

e.g. "cat , "horse

One solution is to simply edit the text file and remove the extra quotation

Is there a "good solution" I can implement form within R?

I am OK with just importing the extra quotation marks and having nit show up as
part of the text field within R.



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