Stephen -
   In version R-2.11.1, I get

  orig         x.1         x.2         x.3
1    a -0.62754524 -1.16194135 -0.05975811
2    b  0.21954618 -0.21355521 -0.62970082
3    c -0.30296239  1.44111610  0.30121880

Since myd has several observations for each value of orig,
you obviously can't just assign the output of aggregate
as a column of myd.

Were you thinking of

merge(myd,aggregate(myd[,c("val")],list(orig=myd$id1),cumsum))  ?

(Note that before version 2.11.1, aggregate *would* fail.))

                                        - Phil Spector
                                         Statistical Computing Facility
                                         Department of Statistics
                                         UC Berkeley

On Tue, 12 Oct 2010, Bond, Stephen wrote:

Hello everybody,

Data is
myd <- data.frame(id1=rep(c("a","b","c"),each=3),id2=rep(1:3,3),val=rnorm(9))

I want to get a cumulative sum over each of id1. trying aggregate does not work

myd$pcum <- aggregate(myd[,c("val")],list(orig=myd$id1),cumsum)

Please suggest a solution. In real the dataframe is huge so looping with for 
and subsetting is not a great idea (still doable, though).
Thank you

Stephen B

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