Hi All,

I need some help in putting text in a stacked barplot. The barplot is filled
with 5 levels and now I would like to put text to each level in the stacked
barplot. However, it seems that the code that I am using is not placing the
text at the correct hight (centered at each fill) in the barplot. Any
suggestions to improve the code to make it work?

barchart(FREQ ~ VISIT |which*as.factor(TRTN), data = stuffa,par.strip.text =
list(cex = 0.35),
groups = RES, xlab="Visit",ylab="Frequency",
layout = c(4,2),
stack = T,
auto.key = list(points = FALSE, rectangles = TRUE,
space = "top"),
scales = list(x = list(alternating=c(1,1),tck=c(1,0),abbreviate = TRUE,
= 5, rot = 0),y=list(alternating=c(1,1),tck=c(1,0))),
panel = function(y,x,...){
panel.grid(h = -1, v = 0, col = "gray", lty = 3,lwd=1)
panel.text(x,y,label = round(y,1),cex=0.48)

Kind regards,
Ashraf Yassen

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