
Is this what you had in mind?

df <- df[, -10]       # last variable is superfluous
dm <- melt(df, id = 'day')
  day variable value
1   1     var1     1
2   2     var1     2
3   3     var1     3
4   4     var1     4
5   1     var2   100
6   2     var2   200
xyplot(value ~ day | variable, data = dm,
      scales = list(y = list(relation = 'free')))

melt() is useful in this problem because it stacks the data in 'long' form
and creates a factor 'variable' whose levels are the variable names. The
variable 'value' contains the responses. Conditioning on 'variable' in dm
then gets you individual plots of value ~ day by variable. You can use
layout = to specify the arrangement of plots per page, and perhaps as.table
= TRUE if you want the plots rendered from top left rather than bottom left.


On Mon, Nov 8, 2010 at 10:19 AM, Marcus Drescher <dresc...@tum.de> wrote:

> Dear all,
> I am trying (!!!) to generate pdfs that have 8 plots on one page:
> df = data.frame(
>        day = c(1,2,3,4),
>        var1 = c(1,2,3,4),
>        var2 = c(100,200,300,4000),
>        var3 = c(10,20,300,40000),
>        var4 = c(100000,20000,30000,4000),
>        var5 = c(10,20,30,40),
>        var6 = c(0.001,0.002,0.003,0.004),
>        var7 = c(123,223,123,412),
>        var8 = c(213,123,234,435),
>        all = as.factor(c(1,1,1,1)))
> pdf("test1.pdf", width=20, heigh=27, paper="a4")
>    print(plot(groupedData(var1 ~ day | all, data = df), main = "var1",
> xlab="", ylab=""), split=c(1,1,2,4), more=TRUE)
>    print(plot(groupedData(var2 ~ day | all, data = df), main = "var2",
> xlab="", ylab=""), split=c(1,2,2,4), more=TRUE)
>    print(plot(groupedData(var3 ~ day | all, data = df), main = "var3",
> xlab="", ylab=""), split=c(1,3,2,4), more=TRUE)
>    print(plot(groupedData(var4 ~ day | all, data = df), main = "var4",
> xlab="", ylab=""), split=c(1,4,2,4), more=TRUE)
>    print(plot(groupedData(var5 ~ day | all, data = df), main = "var5",
> xlab="", ylab=""), split=c(2,1,2,4), more=TRUE)
>    print(plot(groupedData(var6 ~ day | all, data = df), main = "var6",
> xlab="", ylab=""), split=c(2,2,2,4), more=TRUE)
>    print(plot(groupedData(var7 ~ day | all, data = df), main = "var7",
> xlab="", ylab=""), split=c(2,3,2,4), more=TRUE)
>    print(plot(groupedData(var8 ~ day | all, data = df), main = "var8",
> xlab="", ylab=""), split=c(2,4,2,4))
> dev.off()
> My problem is that the separate plots all have different sizes. (Some are
> tall, but very small, or the other way around. The target is to have equally
> tall and wide graphs. (The variables have different scales. Grouping does
> not work.)
> Optimally, the plots would use the complete pdf page.
> Any ideas how to adjust height and width?
> Best
> Marcus
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