On 2010-11-20 14:26, Marcin Gomulka wrote:
I was trying to recreate this kind of timeline plot:

As you can see in their excel example, the events are nicely placed out on
both sides of the timeline axis.

AFAIK there is no function to do this nicely in R-project. Furthermore,
graphics and lattice packages are unable to draw the x-axis in the middle of
the plot. (datapoints cannot be plotted below the axis, as in the Excel

My question: Is there a function to draw the x-axis inside the plot? (at a
certain vertical position?) Is there a function for the whole timeline plot
that I do not know about?

I tried to visually replicate the plot using additional elements to create
my own x-axis (code below). I have placed the x-axis ticks on a fixed
y-height (-0.1 and -0.05), but this might look badly with a different
dataset or at other image proportions. I'd rather do this with a dedicated
package function ( like axis() ).

It wouldn't be difficult to write such a function.
Here's some code to get you started:

 with(the_data, {
   plot(eventtime, impact, type="h", axes=FALSE,
        ann=FALSE, col="grey", ylim=c(-.7,1.2))
   points(eventtime, impact, pch=95, font=5, cex=2, col=4)
   text(eventtime, impact, label, pos = 1 + 2*(impact > 0))
 abline(h=0, lwd=2)
 axis(1, pos=0, lwd=2, lwd.ticks=1)

Peter Ehlers

Below is my example code in R:

structure(list(eventtime = c(1914L, 1917L, 1918L, 1939L, 1945L,
1963L, 1989L, 2001L, 2003L), impact = c(1, -.5, 0.8, 1, 0.8, 0.5,
-.5, 0.5, 1), label = structure(c(8L, 7L, 4L, 9L, 5L, 2L, 3L,
1L, 6L), .Label = c("9/11", "Cuban crisis", "end of communism",
"end WW1", "end WW2", "Iraq war", "start of communism", "WW1",
"WW2"), class = "factor")), .Names = c("eventtime", "impact",
"label"), class = "data.frame", row.names = c(NA, -9L))

plot(the_data$eventtime, the_data$impact, type="h", frame.plot=FALSE, axes =
FALSE, xlab="",ylab="", col="grey")
text(the_data$eventtime,the_data$impact, the_data$label)
text(axTicks(1),-0.1, axTicks(1))
points(axTicks(1),rep(-0.05,length(axTicks(1))), type="h")

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