Hi dears while modeling an interaction random effect in lmer i receive the
instantaneous error message

> ldlM4<-lmer(ldl~rt*cd4+age+rf+pharmac+factor(hcv)+
+ hivdur+(rt:cd4|id),na.action=na.omit,REML=F)
*Warning message:
In mer_finalize(ans) : false convergence (8)
I think the matter lies in syntax, 'cause i sistematically receive the same
message even when changing response...
PS: the above model runs quite well in lme and only rarely I recive :
Errore in lme.formula(fixed = ldl ~ rt + cd4 + age + rf + pharmac +
factor(hcv) +  :
  nlminb problem, convergence error code = 1
  message = iteration limit reached without convergence (9)
..reason for which I switch  into lmer

Thank u in advance foe any hints...;)
*Little u can do against ignorance,....it will always disarm u:
is the 2nd principle of thermodinamics made manifest, ...entropy in
expansion.**....But setting order is the real quest 4 truth, ......and the
mission of a (temporally) wise dude.

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