Hi folks...

check this out..

> GLU<-lme(gluc~rt*cd4+sex+age+rf+nadir+pharmac+factor(hcv)+factor(hbs)+
+ haartd+hivdur+factor(arv),
+  random= ~rt|id, na.action=na.omit)

> intervals(GLU)$fixed
                        lower          est.         upper
(Intercept)     67.3467070345  7.362307e+01  7.989944e+01
rt               *0.0148050160*  6.249304e-02  1.101811e-01
cd4             -0.0032133709 -6.566501e-04  1.900071e-03
sexM             0.9601467541  3.565606e+00  6.171066e+00
age              *0.2436472425*  3.420025e-01  4.403578e-01
rfOTHER         -5.0933264232 -1.198439e+00  2.696449e+00
rfETEROSESSUALE -2.1085096013  1.974725e+00  6.057960e+00
rfOMOSESSUALE   -5.8156940466 -1.891870e+00  2.031953e+00
nadir           -0.0063302516  8.604450e-04  8.051142e-03
pharmacNRTI     -4.2586487617 -1.252531e+00  1.753586e+00
pharmacPI       -3.3132784651 -8.829819e-01  1.547315e+00
factor(hcv)1    -0.4338530808  2.374438e+00  5.182729e+00
factor(hbs)1    -0.7670414150  3.274923e+00  7.316888e+00
haartd          -0.0837790540 -4.655330e-02 -9.327549e-03
hivdur          -0.1351044027  8.417971e-02  3.034638e-01
factor(arv)1    -6.7807591712 -2.075808e+00  2.629143e+00
rt:cd4          -0.0001150701 -4.667572e-05  2.171870e-05
[1] "Fixed effects:"

...check for instance on row 2 and 5 (bold numbers)....isn't  something
really weird there ?
lower interval greater than upper !!????


*Little u can do against ignorance,....it will always disarm u:
is the 2nd principle of thermodinamics made manifest, ...entropy in
expansion.**....But setting order is the real quest 4 truth, ......and the
mission of a (temporally) wise dude.

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