On 11-02-28 11:17 PM, Jeroen Ooms wrote:
I am trying to encode arbitrary S3 objects by recursively looping over the
object and all its attributes. However, there is an unfortunate feature of
the attributes() function that is causing trouble. From the manual for

The names of a pairlist are not stored as attributes, but are reported as if
they were (and can be set by the replacement method for attributes).

Now because of this, my program ends up in infinite recursion, because it
will try to encode
attributes(attributes(attributes(attributes(list(foo=123)))) etc. I can't
remove the 'names' attribute, because this will actually affect the list
structure. And even when I do:

attributes(attributes(obj)[names(attributes(obj)) != "names"])

This will keep giving me a named list. Is there any way I can get the
attributes() of a list without it reporting the names of a list as
attributes? I.e it should hold that:

atr1<- attributes(list(foo="bar"));
atr2<- attributes(list());

The names of a list (a generic vector) are attributes, just like the names of other vectors. The documentation is talking about pairlists, a mostly internal structure, used for example to store parts of expressions. So your premise might be wrong about the cause of the recursion...

But assuming you really want to see all attributes except names. Then just write your own version:

nonameattributes <- function(obj) {
  result <- attributes(obj)
  if (!is.null(result$names))
    result$names <- NULL

  # This removes the empty names of the result if there were no other
  # attributes.  It's optional, but you said you wanted
  # identical(atr1, atr2)

  if (!length(result))
    names(result) <- NULL


You can make the conditional more complicated, only making the change for pairlists, etc., using tests on typeof(obj) or other tests.

Duncan Murdoch

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