Many thanks!! That's a million times easier!! :-)
All the best,


From: on behalf of Ista Zahn
Sent: Wed 3/23/2011 12:06 PM
To: Chandra Salgado Kent
Subject: Re: [R] stacked bar plot

FWIW, the ggplot option I suggested works fine with sums instead of means...

.Table<-data.frame(Sex=c("M","F","M","F","F"), Number=c(10,3,1,2,3),
ggplot(.Table, aes(Group_size, Number, fill=Sex)) +
 geom_bar(stat="summary", fun.y="sum")


On Wed, Mar 23, 2011 at 3:21 AM, Chandra Salgado Kent
<> wrote:
> Hello,
> Many thanks for your responses! They were very helpful.
> FYI, ggplot didn't work for me because I needed the sum of the values.
> The fudged option of barplot was very helpful. Since my matrix is extremely 
> large (the example is a subset), and I would need to take a lot of time to 
> insert NAs everywhere as you did, I used the main idea you sent but instead 
> did summed over group sizes. I'm sure this is far from the most efficient way 
> of doing this, but it was the only way I found for my very large matrix.
> Thanks again!!
> Here is my solution:
> #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> .Table<-data.frame(Sex=c("M","F","M","F","F"), Number=c(10,3,1,2,3), 
> Group_size=c(1,1,2,2,2))
> #I separated the females first, and ordered them by group size
> Females<-subset(.Table, Sex=="F")
> .Order<-order(Females$Group_size)
> FemalesF<-rbind(Females$Group_size, Females$Number)[,.Order]
> FemalesF<-t(FemalesF)
> #I then deleted any NAs which I had in my database, then summed Number for 
> each Group_size and converted it to a matrix
> Females1 <- FemalesF[complete.cases(FemalesF[,2]),]
> Females2<-by(FemalesF,FemalesF[,1], FUN = function(x){
>  sum(x[,2]) })
> Females3<-matrix(Females2)
> #I then did the same for the males
> Males<-subset(.Table, Sex=="M")
> .Order<-order(Males$Group_size)
> MalesF<-rbind(Males$Group_size, Males$Number)[,.Order]
> MalesF<-t(MalesF)
> Males1 <- MalesF[complete.cases(MalesF[,2]),]
> Males2<-by(MalesF,MalesF[,1], FUN = function(x){
>  sum(x[,2]) })
> Males3<-matrix((Males2))
> #I then followed your example in forming a matrix of males and females 
> suitable for barplot and plotted the data
> .Matrix<-matrix(c(Females3,Males3),ncol=2)
> .Matrix<-t(.Matrix)
> barplot(.Matrix,col=c("pink","lightblue"),
>  names.arg=c(1:3),xlab="Group size",ylab="Number",main="Group Sex")
> legend(10,60,c("Male","Female"),fill=c("lightblue","pink"))
> #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Chandra
> ________________________________
> From: Jim Lemon []
> Sent: Tue 3/22/2011 5:55 PM
> To: Chandra Salgado Kent
> Cc:
> Subject: Re: [R] stacked bar plot
> On 03/22/2011 06:30 PM, Chandra Salgado Kent wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I'm wondering if someone may be able to help me, and do apologize if there 
>> is a simple and obvious solution for this. I am somewhat new to R, and have 
>> been searching for a simple solution for a couple of days.
>> I am interested in finding a tool that allows me to plot a stacked bar plot.
>> My data set is in the following format:
>> data<-data.frame(Sex=c("M","F","M","F","F"), Number=c(10,3,1,2,3), 
>> Group_size=c(1,1,2,2,2))
>> I would like to have the factor "Sex" stacked, "Group size" as a Factor on 
>> the X axis, and "Number" on the Y axis (summed so that there is only one 
>> value for each Sex by Group_size combination).
> Hi Chandra,
> It's a bit hard to work out exactly what you want, but try this:
>  barplot(matrix(c(10,3,NA,1,2,3),ncol=2),col=c("lightblue","pink","pink"),
>  names.arg=1:2,xlab="Group size",ylab="Number",main="Group Sex")
> legend(1.6,8,c("Male","Female"),fill=c("lightblue","pink"))
> now I have fudged a bit by just making the matrix contain the values in
> the right order, but if the barplot is what you want, it could get you
> started.
> Jim
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Ista Zahn
Graduate student
University of Rochester
Department of Clinical and Social Psychology <> 

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