On Apr 20, 2011, at 3:52 PM, yoav baranan wrote:

I have a (correlation) matrix and I want to select a subset of its cells depending on the combination of their column and row names. This illustrates my problem: mtrx <- matrix(c(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9), nrow=3, ncol=3, dimnames = list(c('c132','c432', 'c233'), c('r132','r233', 'r432')))> mtrx r132 r233 r432c132 1 4 7c432 2 5 8c233 3 6 9 At this point I want to compute the mean of the cells in which the column and the row names share the same suffix (i.e., the cells mtrx[1,1], mtrx[2,3], mtrx[3,2]). By suffix I mean the last three digits of the row/col name. I need a generic code (and not vec<-c(mtrx[1,1], mtrx[2,3], mtrx[3,2])) because I don't know in advance how many rows and columns I will have (currently 118).

> mtrx[ sub("r|c", "", rep(rownames(mtrx),times=3) ) ==
        sub("r|c", "", rep(colnames(mtrx), each=3))]
[1] 1 6 8

> mean( mtrx[ sub("r|c", "", rep(rownames(mtrx),times=3) ) ==
              sub("r|c", "", rep(colnames(mtrx), each=3))] )
[1] 5

Obviously you need to substitute NROW() and NCOL() vlues for the rep arguments but that should be simple.

Thanks, Yoav                                    
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