Hello, Derek,

see below.

On Thu, 5 May 2011, dereksloan wrote:

I still need to do some repetitive statistical analysis on some outcomes from a dataset.

Take the following as an example;

id      sex     hiv     age     famsize bmi     resprate
1       M       Pos     23      2               16      15
2       F       Neg     24      5               18      14
3       F       Pos     56      14              23      24
4       F       Pos     67      3               33      31
5       M       Neg     34      2               21      23

I want to know if there are statistically detectable differences in all of the continuous variables in my data set when subdivided by sex or hiv status (ie are age, family size, bmi and resprate different in my male and female patients or in hiv pos/neg patients) Of course I can use wilcoxon or t-tests e.g:

wilcox.test( age~sex)
wilcox.test( age~hiv)
.... [snip]

Define, e. g.,

my.wilcox.tests <- function( var.names, groupvar.name, data) {
 lapply( var.names,
         function( v) {
          form <- as.formula( paste( v, "~", groupvar.name))
          wilcox.test( form, data = data)
          } )

and call something like

my.wilcox.test( <character vector with relevant variable names>,
                <character string with relevant grouping variable>,
                data = <your data set as data frame>)

Caveat: untested!

 Hth  --  Gerrit

Dr. Gerrit Eichner                   Mathematical Institute, Room 212
gerrit.eich...@math.uni-giessen.de   Justus-Liebig-University Giessen
Tel: +49-(0)641-99-32104          Arndtstr. 2, 35392 Giessen, Germany
Fax: +49-(0)641-99-32109        http://www.uni-giessen.de/cms/eichner

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