Daniel Malter wrote:
> Hi,
> the standard errors of the coefficients in two regressions that I computed
> by hand and using lm() differ by about 1%. Can somebody help me to identify
> the source of this difference? The coefficient estimates are the same, but
> the standard errors differ. 
> ####Simulate data
>       happiness=0
>       income=0
>       gender=(rep(c(0,1,1,0),25))
>               for(i in 1:100){
>                       happiness[i]=1000+i+rnorm(1,0,40)
>                       income[i]=2*i+rnorm(1,0,40)
>                       }
> ####Run lm()
>       reg=lm(happiness~income+factor(gender))
>       summary(reg)
> ####Compute coefficient estimates "by hand"
>       x=cbind(income,gender)
>       y=happiness
>       z=as.matrix(cbind(rep(1,100),x))
>       beta=solve(t(z)%*%z)%*%t(z)%*%y
> ####Compare estimates
>       cbind(reg$coef,beta)  ##fine so far, they both look the same
>       reg$coef[1]-beta[1]
>       reg$coef[2]-beta[2]
>       reg$coef[3]-beta[3]     ##differences are too small to cause a 1%
> difference
> ####Check predicted values
>       estimates=c(beta[2],beta[3])
>       predicted=estimates%*%t(x)
>       predicted=as.vector(t(as.double(predicted+beta[1])))
>       cbind(reg$fitted,predicted)             ##inspect fitted values
>       as.vector(reg$fitted-predicted) ##differences are marginal
> #### Compute errors
>       e=NA
>       e2=NA
>       for(i in 1:length(happiness)){
>               e[i]=y[i]-predicted[i]   ##for "hand-computed" regression
>               e2[i]=y[i]-reg$fitted[i] ##for lm() regression
>       }
> #### Compute standard error of the coefficients
>   sqrt(abs(var(e)*solve(t(z)%*%z)))   ##for "hand-computed" regression
>   sqrt(abs(var(e2)*solve(t(z)%*%z)))  ##for lm() regression using e2 from
> above
>       ##Both are the same
> ####Compare to lm() standard errors of the coefficients again
>       summary(reg)
> The diagonal elements of the variance/covariance matrices should be the
> standard errors of the coefficients. Both are identical when computed by
> hand. However, they differ from the standard errors reported in
> summary(reg). The difference of 1% seems nonmarginal. Should I have
> multiplied var(e)*solve(t(z)%*%z) by n and divided by n-1? But even if I do
> this, I still observe a difference. Can anybody help me out what the source
> of this difference is?
The degrees of freedom in a regression analysis is n minus the number of 
parameters, three in your case. I.e. the variance var(e) does not know 
about this and divides by n-1 where it should have been n-3, so.....

> Cheers,
> Daniel
> -------------------------
> cuncta stricte discussurus
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