On Jun 23, 2011, at 9:44 AM, Adriana Bejarano wrote:

Dear R gurus,

I have the following code, but I still not know how to estimate and extract
confidence intervals (95%CI) from resampling.

If you have a distribution of values, say "resamp.stat", of a statistic from a properly performed resampling operation you can extract and display easily the 5th and 95th percentiles.

CI.stat <- quantile(resamp.stat, c(0.05, 0.95) )

Note: I do not think that 100 replications would generally be sufficient for final work, although its probably acceptable for testing.

Your code as posted initially threw a bunch of errors since you did not include library(MASS), but fixing that fairly obvious problem shows that you can draw a nice plot. However, it remains unclear what statistic of what distribution you desire to assess. Mean, median, ... of what?

I do not think the error that arose on my machine from the wrapped text here:

#draw random numbers from a weibull distribution 100 times with
 ... shape=xwei.shape, scale = xwei.scale   -> error

..... was causing any problem, but there were a bunch of warnings that ought to be investigated:

Right after the loop I see ten of these:
Warning messages:
1: In dweibull(x, shape, scale, log) : NaNs produced




penta<- c (770,729,640,486,450,410,400,340,306,283,278,260,253,242,240,229,201,198,190,186,180,170,168,151,150,148,147,125,117,110,107,104,85,83,80,74,70,66,54,46,45,43,40,38,10 )
plot(ecdf(x), ylab="Probability", xlab="Concentration (Ln+1)")

    shape        scale
 6.7291685   5.3769965
(0.7807718) (0.1254696)
xwei.shape <- x.wei$estimate[[1]]
xwei.scale <-  x.wei$estimate[[2]]

xwei.shape <- x.wei$estimate[[1]]
xwei.scale <-  x.wei$estimate[[2]]
curve(pweibull(x, shape=xwei.shape, scale = xwei.scale,lower.tail=TRUE,
log.p=FALSE), add=TRUE,col='green',lwd=3)

#draw random numbers from a weibull distribution 100 times with
shape=xwei.shape, scale = xwei.scale
draw <- lapply(1:100, function(.x){
out<-rweibull(x, shape=xwei.shape, scale = xwei.scale)
newx<- data.frame(draw)

colnames(newx)<-paste("x", 1:100, sep = "")

# matrix of coefficients
ResultMat<-matrix(NA, ncol=colnum, nrow=rownum)
ResultMat2<-matrix(NA, ncol=colnum2, nrow=rownum2)

#loop through each column in the source matrix
for (i in 1:100)
                xwei.shape<- ResultMat[1,i]
  xwei.scale<- ResultMat[2,i]
curve(pweibull(x, shape=xwei.shape, scale=xwei.scale, lower.tail=TRUE,
log.p = FALSE), add=TRUE, col='grey',lwd=0.5)
ResultMat2[,i]<-pweibull(x, shape=xwei.shape, scale =
xwei.scale,lower.tail=TRUE, log.p=FALSE)

## convert dataframe to numeric
MatOut<- as.matrix(ResultMat2)
mode(MatOut) <- "numeric"

# initiate variables

# mean and upper/lower quantiles
for(i in 1:length(MatOut[,1])){
mm[i]<- mean(MatOut[i,])
ml[i]<- quantile(MatOut[i,], 0.025, na.rm=TRUE)
mu[i]<- quantile(MatOut[i,], 0.975, na.rm=TRUE)
#lines(x, mm, col="black")
lines(x, ml, col="blue", lwd=2)
lines(x, mu, col="blue", lwd=2)

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