Another option to get graphs in LaTeX using the same fonts as the rest of the 
document is to export from R as an eps file, then use eps2pgf 
( to convert to a pgf file.  Then in 
the LaTeX file just use \input with the created .pgf file.  This creates the 
graph inside of the LaTeX document using the default font(s) within the 
Hope this helps,


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] on behalf of Henrik Bengtsson
Sent: Sat 3/1/2008 4:58 PM
To: Louise Hoffman
Subject: Re: [R] Make plots with GNUplot. Have anyone tried that?

On Fri, Feb 29, 2008 at 2:12 PM, Louise Hoffman
> [snip]
> >  Seriously. Be specific if you have a problem. (read the posting guide). R 
> > can
>  >  also plot. If you don't like R's plots (which I could not understand) you 
> can
>  >  export data and import them to gnuplot. So what?
>  Okay, my post was not very good.
>  The reason (I think) I need GNUplot, is that I would like to include
>  the plots from R in a Latex report, where I would like to have all the
>  text and equations in the plots with the same font as used in Latex.

FYI, the LaTeX 'psfrag' package was designed for the purpose of having
LaTeX replace the text in EPS figures with text specified in LaTeX.
That should give you the same font as in your main document.  I
haven't used it in a while but it normally does what you want.

My $0.02


>  So when I read about opening and closing "dev" for making a pdf I
>  figured that the plots that R produces are like the once Matlab makes;
>  shows what they ought to, nothing more, nothing less.
>  So I was wondering if anyone know of an GNUplot friendly format and
>  the code that would produce that text file.
>  I am new to both R and GNUplot, so I am pure ears if someone knows how
>  to make such plots in R.
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