On 27.07.2011 02:17, Jeremy Miles wrote:
This is clearly a message for the R-help mailing list, since it was
sent to the R help mailing list.


Since the test object is actually a list, your probably want

or more obvious

Uwe Ligges


On 26 July 2011 14:51, Zmarz, Pawel<pawel.zmar...@imperial.ac.uk>  wrote:
Dear r-helpers,

I would be very grateful if you could post the message below on the r-help 
discussion board. Thank you very much!

Best Wishes,

Hello R community,

I am generating lots of results using the fisher.test function, testing many 
2x2 tables of SNPs for association with a particular phenotype.

A typical output of the fisher.test function would be (for example):

data:  data1
p-value = 0.9837
alternative hypothesis: true odds ratio is greater than 1
95 percent confidence interval:
  0.4162551       Inf
sample estimates:
odds ratio

That's lovely, but my problem is that I am only interested in the "p-value" 
result for each SNP that I check. If it is possible, I would like to extract all the 
p-values I generate (I use a loop to generate all of them), chuck them into a matrix, and 
then into a text file. Or perhaps directly export them into a text file, without using a 
matrix -- whatever is easier. However, I am stuck on how to do this...

Maybe one way would be to save the full results (as they are above) into a text file and 
then get R to read just the specific part of the file (i.e. the p-value part) and then 
build a matrix...but I do not know what the code would be for the "specific 
reading" part..?

Would anyone have any ideas??

Thank you so much for your help!!!

Best Wishes,

        [[alternative HTML version deleted]]

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