
the function fourthcorners() returns a list.  You can access the pvalues
shown in the summary by four1[["tabGProb"]]. This is a matrix containing the
pvalues in the summary.

I did some copy and paste from the summary.4thcorners() function (which is
called, by using summary on your four1 object).  And I changed it a little
bit, so that it doesn't print the summary, but returns you the result as a
data.frame. So you can access the Pvalues in the same way you are used to.

summary_fourth <- function(object){
res  <- matrix(0, nrow(object$tabG) * ncol(object$tabG), 6)
res <- as.data.frame(res)
res[, 1] = format(colnames(object$tabG)[col(as.matrix(object$tabG))],
        justify = "right")
res[, 2] = format(rownames(object$tabG)[row(as.matrix(object$tabG))])
res[, 3] = as.vector(outer(object$indexQ, object$indexR))
    if (!inherits(object, "4thcorner.rlq")) {
        res[res[, 4] == "1", 4] = "r"
        res[res[, 4] == "2", 4] = "F"
        res[res[, 4] == "4", 4] = "Chi2"
    else {
        res[res[, 4] == "1", 4] = "r^2"
        res[res[, 4] == "2", 4] = "Eta^2"
        res[res[, 4] == "4", 4] = "Chi2/sum(L)"
res[, 4] = as.vector(signif(as.matrix(object$tabG)))
res[, 5] = as.vector(as.matrix(object$tabGProb))
signifpval <- symnum(as.numeric(res[, 5]), corr = FALSE,
        na = FALSE, cutpoints = c(0, 0.001, 0.01, 0.05, 0.1,
            1), symbols = c("***", "**", "*", ".", " "))
    res[, 6] = signifpval
    colnames(res) = c("Var. R", "Var. Q", "Stat.", "Value",
        "Prob.", " ")

fourth <- summary_fourth(four1)
p.adjust(fourth$Prob, method="holm")


2011/10/12 Cristina Ramalho <cristina.rama...@grs.uwa.edu.au>

> Hi, probably I didnt formulate my question correctly. I know that to aply
> Holm correction I have to do something like:
>  woody=read.table("woody.txt", sep="\t", head=T, row.names = 1)
> woodyadj = p.adjust(woody$p, method = "holm")
> My question is how to do the correction directly on the results of
> 4thcorner? Or, another way, how can I convert the 4th corner results in a
> data matrix where I can run the p.adjust function?
> Thank you so much. Cheers,
> C.
> On Wed, Oct 12, 2011 at 3:20 PM, Christoph Molnar <
> christoph.mol...@googlemail.com> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> ?p.adjust
>> Christoph
>> 2011/10/12 Cristina Ramalho <cristina.rama...@grs.uwa.edu.au>
>>>  Hi all,
>>> This is probably a very simple question but I cannot figure out how to do
>>> it. I run the fourthcorner method with my data and would like to adjust
>>> the
>>> p values for multiple comparisons using Holm correction. When I run the
>>> fourthcorner I obtain the results in yellow. What do I need to do to be
>>> able
>>> to aply the Holm correction to those p values?
>>> > library(ade4)
>>> > four1 <- fourthcorner(tabR, tabL, tabQ, modeltype = 1, nrepet = 999,
>>> tr01
>>> = FALSE)
>>> > summary(four1)
>>> Fourth-corner Statistics
>>> Permutation method  1  ( 999  permutations)
>>> ---
>>>  Var. R   Var.     Q    Stat. Value        Prob.
>>> RABINT / SPAN   r     -0.0478943   0.038 *
>>> RABINT / TREE    r     0                   1.000
>>> RABINT / SHRU   r     0                   1.000
>>> RABINT / HERB   r     0.0261879    0.340
>>> RABINT / SEDG   r     -0.0320345   0.316
>>> RABINT / GRAS  r     0.0124263    0.399
>>> Thank you in advance for your help,
>>> Regards,
>>> C.
>>> --
>>> Cristina E. Ramalho
>>> PhD Candidate
>>> MSc in GIS
>>> Ecosystem Restoration & Intervention Ecology Research Group
>>> School of Plant Biology (M090)
>>> The University of Western Australia
>>> 35 Stirling Highway, Crawley WA 6009 Perth, Australia
>>> Phone: +61 (08) 6488 4655; Fax: +61 (08) 6488 7461
>>> www.plants.uwa.edu.au/research/ecosystem_restoration
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> --
> Cristina E. Ramalho
> PhD Candidate
> MSc in GIS
> Ecosystem Restoration & Intervention Ecology Research Group
> School of Plant Biology (M090)
> The University of Western Australia
> 35 Stirling Highway, Crawley WA 6009 Perth, Australia
> Phone: +61 (08) 6488 4655; Fax: +61 (08) 6488 7461
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