On 01/12/2011 17:01, "Gabor Grothendieck" <ggrothendi...@gmail.com> wrote:

>On Thu, Dec 1, 2011 at 10:02 AM, Berry, David I. <d...@noc.ac.uk> wrote:
>> Hi List
>> Apologies if this isn't the correct place for this query (I've tried a
>>search of the mail archives but not had much joy).
>> I'm running R (2.14.0)  on a Mac (OSX v 10.5.8, 2.66GHz, 4GB memory)
>>and am having a few performance issues with reading data in from a
>>Postres database (using RPostgreSQL). My query / code are as below
>> # -----------------------------
>> library('RPostgreSQL')
>> drv <- dbDriver("PostgreSQL")
>> dbh <- dbConnect(drv,user="Š",password="Š",dbname="Š",host="Š")
>> sql <- "select id, date, lon, lat, date_trunc('day' , date) as jday,
>>extract('hour' from date) as hour, extract('year' from date) as year
>>from observations where pt = 6 and date >= '1990-01-01' and date <
>>'1995-01-01' and lon > 180 and lon < 290 and lat > -30 and lat < 30 and
>>sst is not null"
>> dataIn <- dbGetQuery(dbh,sql)
>If this is a large table of which the desired rows are a small
>fraction of all rows then be sure there indexes on the variables in
>your where clause.
>You can also try it with the RpgSQL driver although there is no reason
>to think that that would be faster.
>Statistics & Software Consulting
>GKX Group, GKX Associates Inc.
>tel: 1-877-GKX-GROUP
>email: ggrothendieck at gmail.com

Thanks for the reply and suggestions. I've tried the RpgSQL drivers and
the results are pretty similar in terms of performance.

The ~1.5M records I'm trying to read into R are being extracted from a
table with ~300M rows (and ~60 columns) that has been indexed on the
relevant columns and horizontally partitioned (with constraint checking
on). I do need to try and optimize the database a bit more but I don¹t
think this is the cause of the performance issues.

As an example, when I run the query purely in R it takes 273s to run
(using system.time() to time it). When I extract the data via psql and
system() and then import it into R using read.table() it takes 32s. The
code I've used for both are below. The second way of doing it (psql and
read.table()) is less than ideal but does seem to have a big performance
advantage at the moment ­ the only difference in the results is that the
date variables are stored as strings in the second example.

# Query purely in R
# ------------------------
dbh <- dbConnect(drv,user="Š",password="Š", dbname="Š",host="Š")

sql <- "select id, date, lon, lat, date_trunc('day' , date) as jday,
extract('hour' from date) as hour, extract('year' from date) as year from
observations where pt = 6 and date >= '1990-01-01' and date < '1995-01-01'
and lon > 180 and lon < 290 and lat > -30 and lat < 30 and sst is not

dataIn <- dbGetQuery(dbh,sql)

# Query via command line
# ----------------------------------
system('psql ­h myhost ­d mydb ­U myuid ­f getData.sql')

system('cat tmp.csv | sed 's/^,/""&/g;s/^[0-9a-zA-Z]\+/"&"/g' > tmp2.csv')
# This just ensures the first column is quoted

dataIn <- read.table('tmp2.csv',sep=',' ,col.names=c(
"id","date","lon","lat","jday","hour","year") )

# Contents of getData.sql
# ---------------------------------
\o ./tmp.csv
\pset format unaligned
\pset fieldsep ','
\pset tuples_only
        id, date, lon, lat, date_trunc('day' , date) as jday, extract('hour' 
date) as hour, extract('year' from date) as year
        pt = 6 and date >= '1990-01-01' and date < '1995-01-01' and lon > 180 
lon < 290 and lat > -30 and lat < 30 and sst is not null;

David Berry
National Oceanography Centre, UK

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