Here is one way of doing it:

>    compMat2 <- function(A, B) {  # rows of B present in A
+        B0 <- B[!duplicated(B), ]
+        na <- nrow(A); nb <- nrow(B0)
+        AB <- rbind(A, B0)
+        ab <- duplicated(AB)[(na+1):(na+nb)]
+        return(sum(ab))
+    }
>    set.seed(8237)
>    A  <- matrix(sample(1:1000, 2*67420, replace=TRUE), 67420, 2)
>    B  <- matrix(sample(1:1000, 2*59199, replace=TRUE), 59199, 2)
>    system.time({
+       # convert for comparison
+       A.1 <- apply(A, 1, function(x) paste(x, collapse = ' '))
+       B.1 <- apply(B, 1, function(x) paste(x, collapse = ' '))
+       count <- sum(B.1 %in% A.1)
+    })
   user  system elapsed
   1.77    0.00    1.79
> count
[1] 3905

On Fri, Dec 2, 2011 at 2:46 PM, Hans W Borchers
<> wrote:
> Michael Kao <mkao006rmail <at>> writes:
> Well, taking a second look, I'd say it depends on the exact formulation.
> In the applications I have in mind, I would like to count each occurrence
> in B only once. Perhaps the OP never thought about duplicates in B
> Hans Werner
>> Here is an example based on the duplicated function
>> test.mat1 <- matrix(1:20, nc = 5)
>> test.mat2 <- rbind(test.mat1[sample(1:5, 2), ], matrix(101:120, nc = 5))
>> compMat <- function(mat1, mat2){
>>      nr1 <- nrow(mat1)
>>      nr2 <- nrow(mat2)
>>      mat2[duplicated(rbind(mat1, mat2))[(nr1 + 1):(nr1 + nr2)], ]
>> }
>> compMat(test.mat1, test.mat2)
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