Sorry. I erred somewhere in making the original M1 matrix using sampling call
in the spMatrix function. I still don't really understand why the matrix
values do not match exactly with M1@x.  If I regenerate M1 this way...

> i=c(1:5,5:1)
> j=c(1:5,2:6)
> x=rnorm(10,2)
> M1 <- spMatrix(nrow=5,ncol=6,i=i,j=j,x=x)
> M1
5 x 6 sparse Matrix of class "dgTMatrix"

[1,] 1.876193 .        .        .        .        2.040574
[2,] .        1.032214 .        .        1.786480 .
[3,] .        .        1.716743 3.711979 .        .
[4,] .        .        2.534000 3.302921 .        .
[5,] .        1.084763 .        .        1.511992 .

Then the str(M1) makes sense and all the methods described so far appears to
work as expected.

> M1@x
 [1] 1.876193 1.032214 1.716743 3.302921 1.511992 1.084763 2.534000 3.711979
 [9] 1.786480 2.040574

The solution is still not apparent to me though without doing a lapply.

spVecs <- lapply(1:nrow(M1), function(a)
                nnz <- nnzero(M1[a,])
                tmp <- as(M1[a,],'sparseVector')
                tmp@x <- tmp@x[sample(nnz,nnz)]

To get back a sparse matrix...I can do this.

        x <-,lapply(spVecs,function(v) v@x))
        j=,lapply(spVecs,function(v) v@i))
        i =,lapply(1:length(spVecs), function(n)
        permM1 <- sparseMatrix(i=i,j=j,x=x)

> permM1
5 x 6 sparse Matrix of class "dgCMatrix"

[1,] 2.040574 .        .        .        .        1.876193
[2,] .        1.786480 .        .        1.032214 .
[3,] .        .        1.716743 3.711979 .        .
[4,] .        .        2.534000 3.302921 .        .
[5,] .        1.511992 .        .        1.084763 .

In this case, rows 3 and 4 remained unchanged.  But now this takes a really
long time for a large sparse matrix.

Thanks for any advice.

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