If you use Excel and are prepared to use the RCOM package, another option for 
reading Excel workbooks becomes available:

sql<-"SELECT * FROM [Sheet1$]"
con<-"Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data Source=XLSDataSource.xlsx;Extended 
Properties='Excel 12.0 Xml;IMEX=1;HDR=YES'"

To try this script:

1. Create a workbook named XLSDataSource.xlsx; save it where getwd() indicates.

2. In sheet1, type column names in Row 1, starting in Cell A1
3. Type some typical values under each column where yo have added names

Here's what my session shows:

> source("C:\\AJAY\\RSTATS\\SCRIPTS\\ADO.R")
> abc
     [,1] [,2] 
[1,] 122  "Jan"
[2,] 133  "Feb"
[1] "rcomdata"

PS: If you want to use ADO, it is worthwhile getting to knpw all the methods 
applicable to the ResordSet object; it is very flexible.

 From: Enrico Schumann <enricoschum...@yahoo.de>
To: Christof Kluß <ckl...@email.uni-kiel.de> 
Cc: r-h...@stat.math.ethz.ch 
Sent: Monday, 9 January 2012, 20:28
Subject: Re: [R] RODBC vs gdata

You could prepare the data in Excel as text, and then coerce them to 
numeric in R (and approriately code your "FG 1" strings).

Depending on how large your file is, you could create a new file, format 
the cells as text, and then copy the data into this new file. Or change 
cell entries to text by prepending a single quote. For instance, "'100" 
(without the outer quotes) would be displayed as "100" in Excel, but not 
be evaluated as a number. (But I have used the latter approach only with 
Excel 2003.)

But as someone else has suggested: if you do not have to use Excel, the 
best thing is not to use it...


Am 09.01.2012 19:46, schrieb Christof Kluß:
> Hi Enrico,
> thank you very much, so it is a known problem with the Microsoft Excel
> ODBC drivers :(
> "7 Excel Drivers
> ... There are at least two known problems with reading columns that do
> not have a format set before data entry, and so start with format
> `General'. First, the driver uses the first few rows to determined the
> column type, and is over-fond of declaring `Numeric' even when there are
> non-numeric entries. ... Second, if a column is declared as `Text',
> numeric entries will be read as SQL nulls and hence R NAs.
> Unfortunately, in neither case does reformatting the column help."
> So I think I have to use "gdata" to be sure to read all datas.
> regards
> Christof
> Am 09-01-2012 19:29, schrieb Enrico Schumann:
>> Hi Christof,
>> have a look at the manual of RODBC, and in particular the section on
>> Excel drivers.
>> RShowDoc("RODBC", package="RODBC")
>> Regards,
>> Enrico
>> Am 09.01.2012 19:02, schrieb Christof Kluß:
>>> Hi
>>> one col in my Excel file contains many numbers. But on line 3000 and
>>> some other lines are strings like "FG 1". "RODBS" seems to omit this
>>> lines. "gdata" works, but is much slower.
>>> Is this a bug of RODBC or do I apply it wrong?
>>> Example with the same "file.xlsx"
>>> library(RODBC); excel<- odbcConnectExcel2007("file.xlsx")
>>> tab<- sqlQuery(excel, 'select * from "Table 1$"'); str(tab)
>>> col1: num  1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ...
>>> library(gdata); tab<- read.xls("file.xlsx", sheet=1); str(tab)
>>> col1: Factor w/ 51 levels "1","10","11",..: 1 12 23 34 41 42 43...
>>> greeting
>>> Christof
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Enrico Schumann
Lucerne, Switzerland

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