acacia21 wrote on 01/09/2012 07:01:28 PM:

> Hi all,
> i'm fairly new to R and its graphing, but having unsuccessfully 
> and checked this forum to find answer to my problem, i'm posting my 
> here.
> I'm trying to plot stacked barplot. I have simple data that looks like 
> bg            ag
> 0.41   2.81
> 0.37   2.91
> 0.31   2.06
> 0.32   2.39
> every row indicates a factor (1,2,3,4, see below in names.arg). Now when 
> plot this using following function for stacked barplots:
> plot<-barplot(t(data), main=txt, ylim=c(0,10), col=c("white", "grey90"),
> ylab="Total biomass (g)", space=0.1, names.arg=c("1", "2", "3", "4")) 
> i get a lovely stacked graph and it color-codes with white (bg) and 
> (ag) in each individual stacked bar.  I have a total of 4 stacked bars 
as i
> have 4 factors. Now here is the question: i would like to add density 
> across entire stacked bar or any other graphic feature to distinguish
> between bars 1 and 2 as they indicate same factor and  3 and 4 that 
> different factor. Is there any way to do that? Surely it's possible, but 
> so obvious for the beginner =)
> thank you very much

One workaround is to create a second matrix of data, with zeroes for the 
bars where you don't want to add emphasis.  Then, overlay a second bar 
plot with density lines for emphasis.

df <- data.frame(bg=c(0.41, 0.37, 0.31, 0.32), ag=c(2.81, 2.91, 2.06, 
# matrix for full barplot
m <- t(df)
# matrix for subset of barplot to add angled lines to
mlines <- m
mlines[, 3:4] <- 0

barplot(m, space=0.1, col=c("white", "grey90"), ylim=c(0, 10), 
        ylab="Total biomass (g)", names.arg=c("1", "2", "3", "4")) 
barplot(mlines, space=0.1, col="black", density=10, angle=35, add=TRUE)


P.S.  You should avoid creating objects that have the same names as 
currently existing functions, e.g., "data" and "plot".

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