Wow, David,

thank you for these sources, which I just screened. bagplot looks most
promising to me. I found it in the package ‘aplpack’ as well as in the R
Graph Gallery

Ellipses are not exactly what I am heading for. I am looking for a 2D
equivalent of plotting 1D standard deviation boundaries. In other words
how to plot SD boundaries on a 2D scatter plot.
So I started searching for contour/boundaries etc. instead of ellipse
leading me to Pascal Hänggi:

To describe it in an image: I want to cut the density mountain above the
scatter plot (see demo(bivar) in the rgl package) in a way so that the
part of the mountain, that covers 68% of the data on the x-y-plane below
it (+-1 SD) is removed. Then I'd like to project the edge that results
from the cut to the x-y-plane below the mountain. This should be the 2d
equivalent of 1s SD boundaries.

I think this might be achieved as well by Hänggis code as by the
function of Forester. Unfortunately they result in slightly different
boundaries which shouldn't be the case. And I did not figure out which
one is correct if one is correct at all (!?).

Can anyone explain the difference?

I compared them with this code:

# parameters:

# generate samples:
x<-rnorm(n); y<-rnorm(n)
a<-list("x"=x,"y"=y) # input for Foresters function which is appended at
the very end

# estimate non-parameteric density surface via kernel smoothing
den<-kde2d(x, y, n=n)

z <- array()
for (i in 1:n){
        z.x <- max(which(den$x < x[i]))
        z.y <- max(which(den$y < y[i]))
        z[i] <- den$z[z.x, z.y]

# store class/level borders of confidence interval in variables
confidence.border <- quantile(z, probs=0.05, na.rm = TRUE)# 0.05
corresponds to 0.95 in draw.contour

draw.contour(a, alpha=0.95)
contour(den, levels=confidence.border, col = "red", add = TRUE)

## drawcontour.R
## Written by J.D. Forester, 17 March 2008

## This function draws an approximate density contour based on
empirical, bivariate data.

##change testit to FALSE if sourcing the file

draw.contour<-function(a,alpha=0.95,plot.dens=FALSE, line.width=2,
line.type=1, limits=NULL, density.res=800,spline.smooth=-1,...){
  ## a is a list or matrix of x and y coordinates (e.g.,
  ## if a is a list or dataframe, the components must be labeled "x" and "y"
  ## if a is a matrix, the first column is assumed to be x, the second y
  ## alpha is the contour level desired
  ## if plot.dens==TRUE, then the joint density of x and y are plotted,
  ## otherwise the contour is added to the current plot.
  ## density.res controls the resolution of the density plot

  ## A key assumption of this function is that very little probability
mass lies outside the limits of
  ## the x and y values in "a". This is likely reasonable if the number
of observations in a is large.

    line.width <- rep(line.width[1],length(alpha))

    line.type <- rep(line.type[1],length(alpha))

  ##generate approximate density values

  ##plot empirical density
  if(plot.dens) image(f1,...)

    ##ensure that there is a window in which to draw the contour

  ##estimate critical contour value
  ## assume that density outside of plot is very small

  zdens <- rev(sort(f1$z))
  Czdens <- cumsum(zdens)
  Czdens <- (Czdens/Czdens[length(zdens)])
  for(cont.level in 1:length(alpha)){
    ##This loop allows for multiple contour levels
    crit.val <- zdens[max(which(Czdens<=alpha[cont.level]))]

    ##determine coordinates of critical contour
    for(c in 1:length(b.full)){
      ##This loop is used in case the density is multimodal or if the
desired contour
      ##  extends outside the plotting region


      ##plot desired contour

##Test the function

##generate data

xlab="X", ylab="Y")

Am 03.03.12 19:56, schrieb David Winsemius:
> On Mar 3, 2012, at 12:34 PM, drflxms wrote:
>> Thanx a lot Greg for the hint and letting me not alone with this!
>> Tried ellipse and it works well. But I am looking for something more
>> precise. The ellipse fits the real border to the nearest possible
>> ellipse. I want the "real" contour, if possible.
>> Meanwhile I found an interesting function named draw.contour
>> provided by "Forester", an "Assistant Professor in the Department of
>> Fisheries". - I love it how statistics brings people from completely
>> different specialities together. - I am a neurologist.
>> This function results not exactly in the same curve, I got with the code
>> I posted last, but is in deed very close by (parallel). So I think both
>> solutions are probably true and differ only because of rounding and
>> method (..!?).
>> Still I am not completely happy with
>> 1. the numeric solution of setting to 68% to get 1SD. I'd prefer a
>> symbolic, formula driven solution instead.
>> 2. me not comprehending the code completely.
>> While 2. will be hopefully solved soon by me delving into the code, 1
>> remains...
> You could take a look at answers to similar questions on StackOverflow:
> Searching on "plot confidence ellipse" in the rhelp archives should be
> similarly productive.
> There's also a non-parametric 2d boundary plotting method called a
> bagplot and I think it's implemented in a package by the same name.

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