CRAN (and crantastic) updates this week

New packages

* EffectStars (1.0)
  Maintainer: Unknown
  Author(s): Gunther Schauberger
  License: GPL-2

  The package provides functions to visualize regression models with
  categorical response. The effects of the covariates are plotted with
  star plots in order to allow for an optical impression of the fitted

* extraBinomial (2.0)
  Maintainer: Xin Yang
  Author(s): Xin Yang
  License: GPL-3

  This package tests for differences in minor allele frequency between
  groups and is based on an extra-binomial variation model for pooled
  sequencing data. A set of simulated pooled sequencing data can be
  generated using this package.

* Familias (1.0)
  Maintainer: Petter Mostad
  Author(s): Petter Mostad <>
  License: GPL-2

  This package represents a bare-bones implementation of an interface to
  the core Familias functions (, which are
  programmed in C++.  The package itself functions as a kind of
  database, where information about persons, pedigrees, allele systems
  and observations for persons are entered stepwise. In the end,
  probability calculations are made.

* JPSurv (1.0.1)
  Maintainer: Yongwu Shao
  Author(s): Yongwu Shao <>,
  License: GPL (>= 2)

  Functions, methods, and datasets for cancer survival analysis,
  including the proportional hazard relative survival model, the join
  point relative survival model.

* kappaSize (1.0)
  Maintainer: Michael A Rotondi
  Author(s): Michael A Rotondi <>
  License: GPL (>= 2)

  This package contains basic tools for the purpose of sample size
  estimation in studies of interobserver/interrater agreement
  (reliability).  This package contains sample size estimation
  functions for both the power-based and confidence interval-based
  methods, with binary or multinomial outcomes and two through six

* koRpus (0.04-27)
  Maintainer: m.eik michalke
  Author(s): m.eik michalke <>, with contributions from Earl
             Brown <>, Alberto Mirisola, and Laura
  License: GPL (>= 3)

  A set of tools to analyze texts. Includes, amongst others, functions
  for automatic language detection, hyphenation, several indices of
  lexical diversity (e.g., type token ratio, HD-D/vocd-D, MTLD) and
  readability (e.g., Flesch, SMOG, LIX, Dale-Chall). Basic import
  functions for language corpora are also provided, to enable
  frequency analyses (supports Celex and Leipzig Corpora Collection
  file formats).  #' Note: For full functionality a local installation
  of TreeTagger is recommended.  Be encouraged to send feedback to the

* networkDynamic (0.2-2)
  Maintainer: Ayn Leslie-Cook
  Author(s): Ayn Leslie-Cook, Zack Almquist, Pavel N. Krivitsky, Skye
             Bender-deMoll, David R. Hunter, Martina Morris, Carter T.
  License: GPL-3

  Simple interface routines to facilitate the handling of network
  objects with complex intertemporal data.

* qLearn (1.0)
  Maintainer: Bibhas Chakraborty
  Author(s): Jingyi Xin, Bibhas Chakraborty, and Eric B. Laber
  License: GPL-2

  Functions to implement Q-learning for estimating optimal dynamic
  treatment regimes from two stage sequentially randomized trials, and
  to perform inference via m-out-of-n bootstrap for parameters
  indexing the optimal regime.

* Rdistance (1.0)
  Maintainer: Trent McDonald
  Author(s): Trent McDonald
  License: GNU General Public License

  Analysis of line transect surveys.  Estimates distance-based
  sightability functions and abundances.

* relSim (0.1-33)
  Maintainer: James M. Curran
  Author(s): James M. Curran
  License: GPL (>= 2)

  A set of tools to explore the behaviour statistics used for forensic
  DNA interpretation when close relatives are involved

* RForcecom (0.1)
  Maintainer: Takekatsu Hiramura
  Author(s): Takekatsu Hiramura
  License: BSD

  RForcecom provides the connection to ( from

* SAScii (0.1)
  Maintainer: Anthony Joseph Damico
  Author(s): Anthony Joseph Damico
  License: GPL (>= 2)

  Using any importation code designed for SAS users to read ASCII files
  into sas7bdat files, the SAScii package parses through the INPUT
  block of a (.sas) syntax file to design the parameters needed for a
  read.fwf function call.  This allows the user to specify the
  location of the ASCII (often a .dat) file and the location of the
  .sas syntax file, and then load the data frame directly into R in
  just one step.

* sessionTools (0.9-1)
  Maintainer: Matthew D. Furia
  Author(s): Matthew D. Furia <>
  License: GPL-3

  This package builds on the save.session function by making installed
  packages, options and search paths savable and restorable.

* shotGroups (0.1)
  Maintainer: Daniel Wollschlaeger
  Author(s): Daniel Wollschlaeger
  License: GPL (>= 2)

  Analyzes shot group data: Read in data, plot, describe, and compare
  shot groups.  Perform statistical tests including standard,
  nonparametric, and robust methods.  Works with files exported by
  OnTarget PC and OnTarget TDS.

* TTAinterfaceTrendAnalysis (1.0)
  Maintainer: David Devreker
  Author(s): David Devreker [aut, cre]
  License: GPL (>= 2)

  This interface was created to develop a standard procedure of temporal
  trend analysis in the framework of the OSPAR convention.  It is
  based on 5 successive steps : chossing and simply manipulate your
  database, select the parameters you want to analyse, build your
  regulated time series, perform analysis and read the results all in
  one easy to use interface. Statistical analysis call other package
  function such as Kendall tests (wq package) or cusum function
  (Pastec package).

Updated packages

bnlearn (2.9), catspec (0.96), cda (1.1.3), clue (0.3-44), coin
(1.0-21), crs (0.15-13), cvTools (0.3.0), Deducer (0.6-2),
directlabels (2.4), doRNG (1.2.1), dplR (1.5.3), DSL (0.1-1), eqtl
(1.1-7), ergm (3.0-1), ergm.userterms (3.0-1), fda.usc (0.9.6),
frailtypack (2.2-22), games (1.0-5), gdsfmt (0.9.6), geosphere
(1.2-27), GeoXp (1.5.6), GLDEX (, gMCP (0.7-8), GSM (1.3),
hive (0.1-14), HLMdiag (0.1.5), HumMeth27QCReport (1.2.13), ibr
(1.4.1), LaplacesDemon (12.03.05), lattice (0.20-5), lattice (0.20-6),
lifecontingencies (0.9.1), lifecontingencies (0.9), lubridate (1.1.0),
Mangrove (1.1), matrixStats (0.4.4), maxLik (1.1-2), meboot (1.1-4),
MHadaptive (1.1-7), miRtest (1.2), mondate (, multcomp
(1.2-12), multitable (1.3), MVA (1.0-3), networkDynamic (0.2-2), np
(0.40-13), npRmpi (0.40-13), openair (0.5-23), OpenCL (0.1-2),
pheatmap (0.6.1), pks (0.2-0), planar (1.2), plotGoogleMaps (1.2),
PowerTOST (0.9-4), ppstat (0.8), pROC (1.5.1), PTAk (1.2-5), qgraph
(1.0.2), qtl (1.23-16), rbamtools (2.0), rconifers (1.0.7),
RcppArmadillo (0.2.36), readBrukerFlexData (1.2.5), readBrukerFlexData
(1.2.7), readMzXmlData (2.2.1), REGENT (1.0.4), regress (1.3-7),
relevent (1.0-2), Renext (2.0-0), rmongodb (1.0.3), rngSetSeed
(0.2-3), RODBC (1.3-5), RSEIS (3.0-1), rworldmap (0.1300),
sampleSelection (0.7-0), skmeans (0.2-1), Snowball (0.0-8), SNPRelate
(0.9.3), soiltexture (1.2.9), soobench (1.0-73), sp (0.9-97),
SpatioTemporal (0.9.2), SPOT (1.0.2257), support.CEs (0.2-1),
tabuSearch (1.1), tdthap (1.1-3), textir (1.8-2), timsac (1.2.6),
tm.plugin.dc (0.2-1), twang (1.2-5), XLConnect (0.1-9)

New reviews

* quantmod, by atomicules

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