CRAN (and crantastic) updates this week

New packages

* condmixt (1.0)
  Maintainer: Julie Carreau
  Author(s): Julie Carreau
  License: GPL-2

  Conditional density estimation with mixtures for heavy-tailed

* crrstep (2012-5.3)
  Maintainer: Ravi Varadhan
  Author(s): Ravi Varadhan & Deborah Kuk
  License: GPL (>= 2)

  Performs forward and backwards stepwise regression for the
  Proportional subdistribution hazards model in competing risks (Fine
  & Gray 1999). Procedure uses AIC, BIC and BICcr as selection
  criteria. BICcr has a penalty of k = log(n*), where n* is the number
  of primary events.

* discreteMTP (0.1-2)
  Maintainer: Shay Yaacoby
  Author(s): Ruth Heller [aut], Hadas Gur [aut], Shay Yaacoby [aut, cre]
  License: GPL (>= 2)

  Multiple testing procedures for discrete test statistics, that use the
  known discrete null distribution of the p-values for simultaneous

* gglasso (1.0)
  Maintainer: Yi Yang
  Author(s): Yi Yang <>, Hui Zou <>
  License: GPL-2

  This package implements a unified algorithm,
  blockwise-majorization-decent (BMD), for efficiently computing the
  solution paths of the group-lasso penalized least squares, logistic
  regression, Huberized SVM and squared SVM.

* ISBF (0.1)
  Maintainer: Pierre Alquier
  Author(s): Pierre Alquier
  License: GPL

  Selection of features for sparse regression estimation (like the
  LASSO). Selection of blocks of features when the regression
  parameter is sparse and constant by blocks (like the Fused-LASSO).
  Application to cgh arrays. TEST VERSION, USE AT YOUR OWN RISK!

* mmm2 (1.0)
  Maintainer: Ozgur Asar
  Author(s): Ozgur Asar, Ozlem Ilk
  License: GPL (>= 2)

  Fits multivariate marginal models with shared regression parameters
  for discrete and continuous responses

* Momocs (0.1-01)
  Maintainer: Vincent Bonhomme
  Author(s): Vincent Bonhomme, Sandrine Picq, Julien Claude
  License: GPL (>= 2)

  Momocs is intended to ease and popularize shape analysis of outlines
  (especially using elliptical Fourier analysis). It mostly hinges on
  the functions developped in Morphometrics with R (Claude, 2008).
  From outline extraction of images and elliptical Fourier calculation
  to multivariate analysis and the visualization of transformations
  within the morphological space, Momocs provides a complete and
  convenient toolkit to specialists within every field that are, or
  may be, interested in morphological comparisons of outlines.

* mpoly (0.0.1)
  Maintainer: David Kahle
  Author(s): David Kahle <>
  License: MIT

  mpoly allows for the symbolic manipulation of multivariate polynomials
  in a general and consistent way designed especially for sparse and
  super sparse polynomials.  It also allows for basic differential
  calculus with multivariate polynomials and Grobner basis
  calculations from computational algebraic geometry.

* R.devices (2.1.1)
  Maintainer: Henrik Bengtsson
  Author(s): Henrik Bengtsson
  License: LGPL (>= 2.1)

  This package provides utility methods that enhance the existing
  graphical device functions already available in R for the purpose of
  simplify the creation of figure files of various image formats and
  much more.

* RcmdrPlugin.EBM (1.0-1)
  Maintainer: Daniel Leucuta
  Author(s): Daniel-Corneliu Leucuta <>
  License: GPL (>= 2)

  This package provides an Rcmdr plug-in for Evidence Based Medicine
  medical indicators calculations (Sensitivity, specificity, absolute
  risk reduction, relative risk, ...).

* RSeed (0.1.31)
  Maintainer: Claus Jonathan Fritzemeier
  Author(s): Claus Jonathan Fritzemeier
  License: GNU General Public License

  an implementation of the analysis about seed components from
  borenstein 2008

* SemiParSampleSel (0.1)
  Maintainer: Giampiero Marra
  Author(s): Giampiero Marra <> and Rosalba Radice
  License: GPL (>= 2)

  Routine for fitting continuous response sample selection models with
  semiparametric predictors, including linear and nonlinear effects.

* stellaR (0.2-0)
  Maintainer: Matteo Dell'Omodarme
  Author(s): Matteo Dell'Omodarme [aut, cre], Giada Valle [aut]
  License: GPL (>= 2)

  A package to manage and display stellar tracks and isochrones from
  Pisa low-mass database. Includes tools for isochrones construction
  and tracks interpolation.

Updated packages

arm (1.5-04), bayesDem (1.6-0), bayesLife (0.4-0), betapart (1.1-2),
birch (1.2-3), birch (1.2-2), bootRes (1.2.2), CDNmoney (2012.4-1),
cosso (2.0-1), crs (0.15-16), csound (0.1-1), dclone (1.7-2), dcmle
(0.2-0), detect (0.2-2), dse (2012.4-1), emplik (0.9-8-2), EvalEst
(2012.4-1), forecast (3.21), fpp (0.4), geometry (0.3-1), GGEBiplotGUI
(1.0-2), ggmap (2.1), HAC (0.2-1), harvestr (0.3), hydroGOF (0.3-3),
hydroTSM (0.3-4), kappalab (0.4-6), KernSmoothIRT (3.0), lassoshooting
(0.1.5-1), LEAPFrOG (1.0.4), meta (2.0-4), metrumrg (5.17), mgcv
(1.7-16), MigClim (1.1), minPtest (1.2), mirt (0.2.3), mmand (0.1.1),
Modalclust (0.3), Momocs (0.1-01), mpmcorrelogram (0.1-2), MSeasy
(5.3), MSeasyTkGUI (5.3), MultiPhen (0.5), MVPARTwrap (0.1-9),
okmesonet (0.1.2), OUwie (1.21), pathClass (0.9.3), phytools (0.1-8),
playitbyr (0.2-0), playitbyr (0.2-1), plm (1.2-10), plotmo (1.3-2),
pomp (0.42-1), PropCIs (0.1-8), psych (1.2.4), raster (1.9-92),
RcppArmadillo (, rgdal (0.7-11), rgdal (0.7-10), rgeos
(0.2-6), Rlabkey (2.1.118), RMark (2.1.1), rscproxy (2.0-5), Rz
(0.4-0), sculpt3d (0.3-1), sp (0.9-99), spam (0.29-1), spam (0.29-0),
spatialkernel (0.4-13), spatialkernel (0.4-14), StateTrace (1.0-4),
stellaR (0.2-0), survSNP (0.21-4), tabplot (0.11-2), tabplotGTK
(0.5-2), tcltk2 (1.2-3), tensor (1.5), tframe (2012.4-2), tframePlus
(2012.4-2), TSdbi (2012.4-1), tsfa (2012.4-1), TSfame (2012.4-1),
TSgetSymbol (2012.4-1), TShistQuote (2012.4-1), TSMySQL (2012.4-1),
tsne (0.1-2), TSpadi (2012.4-1), TSSQLite (2012.4-1), TSxls
(2012.4-1), TSzip (2012.4-1), varcompci (1.0.1)

New reviews

* qAnalyst, by atomicules

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