On May 19, 2012, at 5:00 PM, Sparks, John James wrote:

Dear R Helpers,

I am getting an error message from the try function that I don't
understand so I am hoping that someone can help.

I am scraping from web pages, but sometimes they disappear.  When that
happens I need to control for it with some sort of function.

This web page is parsed without a problem.

URL<-paste("http://www.advfn.com/p.php?pid=financials&btn=istart_date&mode=quarterly_reports&symbol= ",
exh,"%3A",tic,"&istart_date=0", sep = "")
doc <- htmlParse(URL)

However, when I change the value of tic it will not.

URL<-paste("http://www.advfn.com/p.php?pid=financials&btn=istart_date&mode=quarterly_reports&symbol= ",
exh,"%3A",tic,"&istart_date=0", sep = "")
doc <- htmlParse(URL)
Error in htmlParse(URL) :
 error in creating parser for

I tried to account for this using the try function but I get the error
below that I don't understand.

options(error = expression(NULL))
URL<-paste("http://www.advfn.com/p.php?pid=financials&btn=istart_date&mode=quarterly_reports&symbol= ",
exh,"%3A",tic,"&istart_date=0", sep = "")
doc <- htmlParse(URL)

qtrstop <- xpathApply(doc, "count(//select/option)")-5
Error in !silent : invalid argument type

Generally one needs to test for inherits(try(...), "try-error")

See last example in ?try


Any help would be most appreciated.

--John Sparks

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