Please show us the 'lapply' statement you are using.  Here is a simple
case of catching an error in an lapply and continuing:

> lapply(c(1,2,-3, 4), function(x){
+     a <- try(stopifnot(x > 0))  # force an error
+     if (inherits(a, 'try-error')) return(NULL)
+     x
+ })
Error : x > 0 is not TRUE
[1] 1

[1] 2


[1] 4


On Fri, May 25, 2012 at 2:51 PM, John Kerpel <> wrote:
> Folks:
> I've replaced an outer for-loop with lapply and it works great.  But, I
> can't seem to do the following type of exception handling:
> tryCatch(dlmMLE(x)$value==Inf,error = function(e) NULL)
> which basically says if the likelihood is Inf, throw an error.  But what I
> want it to do is just go to the next index in the list.  When I was using a
> for-loop I used:
> if(tryCatch(dlmMLE(x)$value==Inf,error = function(e) 1)==1) {next} else
> .... which worked fine.
> Is there a way to do the same thing in lapply?
> Thanks for your time. (I've checked Gmane for this type of problem and I
> wasn't sure if this problem was answered or not...)
> John
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Data Munger Guru

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