
I have 2 files example 1 and example 2 and would like to know what is in example2 and not in example1 (attached)
V1 contain data which could be in duplicated which I am using as identifiers

I used setdiff(example2$V1,example1$V1) to find the identifiers which are specific to example2:
[1] "rs2276598"  "rs17253672"

I am looking for a way to get an output with all columns (V1 to V14) for these 2 identifiers....

thanks for any suggestions

format example1
           V1          V2 V3              V4              V5 V6
1      rs4685 2:198257795  C ENSG00000115524 ENST00000424674 Transcript
2      rs4685 2:198257795  C ENSG00000115524 ENST00000335508 Transcript
3    rs788018 2:198265526  G ENSG00000115524 ENST00000335508 Transcript
4    rs788023 2:198283305  C ENSG00000115524 ENST00000335508 Transcript
5  rs41284843  2:25536827  A ENSG00000119772 ENST00000406659 Transcript
6  rs41284843  2:25536827  A ENSG00000119772 ENST00000321117 Transcript
7  rs41284843  2:25536827  A ENSG00000119772 ENST00000264709 Transcript
8  rs41284843  2:25536827  A ENSG00000119772 ENST00000380756 Transcript
9   rs3729680 3:178927410  G ENSG00000121879 ENST00000263967 Transcript
10 rs61744960 4:106156163  A ENSG00000168769 ENST00000305737 Transcript
11 rs61744960 4:106156163  A ENSG00000168769 ENST00000413648 Transcript
12 rs61744960 4:106156163  A ENSG00000168769 ENST00000540549 Transcript
13 rs61744960 4:106156163  A ENSG00000168769 ENST00000545826 Transcript
14 rs61744960 4:106156163  A ENSG00000168769 ENST00000380013 Transcript
15 rs61744960 4:106156163  A ENSG00000168769 ENST00000535110 Transcript
16 rs61744960 4:106156163  A ENSG00000168769 ENST00000394764 Transcript
17 rs61744960 4:106156163  A ENSG00000168769 ENST00000513237 Transcript
18 rs61744960 4:106156163  A ENSG00000168769 ENST00000265149 Transcript
19  rs2454206 4:106196951  G ENSG00000168769 ENST00000540549 Transcript
20  rs2454206 4:106196951  G ENSG00000168769 ENST00000513237 Transcript
                                     V7   V8   V9  V10 V11 V12        V13
1 SYNONYMOUS_CODING 704 705 235 V gtA/gtG rs4685 2 SYNONYMOUS_CODING 3749 3657 1219 V gtA/gtG rs4685
3                     SYNONYMOUS_CODING 2723 2631  877   G ggT/ggC rs788018
4                     SYNONYMOUS_CODING  515  423  141   K aaA/aaG rs788023
5 SYNONYMOUS_CODING 365 27 9 P ccC/ccT rs41284843 6 SYNONYMOUS_CODING 264 27 9 P ccC/ccT rs41284843 7 SYNONYMOUS_CODING 365 27 9 P ccC/ccT rs41284843 8 NMD_TRANSCRIPT,SYNONYMOUS_CODING 264 27 9 P ccC/ccT rs41284843
9                 NON_SYNONYMOUS_CODING 1330 1173  391 I/M atA/atG rs3729680
10 NON_SYNONYMOUS_CODING 1468 1064 355 G/D gGt/gAt rs61744960 11 NON_SYNONYMOUS_CODING 1204 1064 355 G/D gGt/gAt rs61744960 12 NON_SYNONYMOUS_CODING 1924 1064 355 G/D gGt/gAt rs61744960 13 NON_SYNONYMOUS_CODING 1924 1064 355 G/D gGt/gAt rs61744960 14 NON_SYNONYMOUS_CODING 1450 1064 355 G/D gGt/gAt rs61744960 15 NON_SYNONYMOUS_CODING 1167 1064 355 G/D gGt/gAt rs61744960 16 NON_SYNONYMOUS_CODING 1450 1064 355 G/D gGt/gAt rs61744960 17 NON_SYNONYMOUS_CODING 1924 1127 376 G/D gGt/gAt rs61744960 18 NMD_TRANSCRIPT,NON_SYNONYMOUS_CODING 1450 1064 355 G/D gGt/gAt rs61744960
19                NON_SYNONYMOUS_CODING 6144 5284 1762 I/V Ata/Gta rs2454206
20                NON_SYNONYMOUS_CODING 6144 5347 1783 I/V Ata/Gta rs2454206
1 ENSP=ENSP00000409435;HGNC=SF3B1
2 ENSP=ENSP00000335321;HGNC=SF3B1
3 ENSP=ENSP00000335321;HGNC=SF3B1
4 ENSP=ENSP00000335321;HGNC=SF3B1
5 ENSP=ENSP00000384852;HGNC=DNMT3A
6 ENSP=ENSP00000324375;HGNC=DNMT3A
7 ENSP=ENSP00000264709;HGNC=DNMT3A
8 ENSP=ENSP00000370132;HGNC=DNMT3A
9 ENSP=ENSP00000263967;PolyPhen=benign(0.019);SIFT=tolerated(0.13);HGNC=PIK3CA 10 ENSP=ENSP00000306705;PolyPhen=probably_damaging(0.983);SIFT=deleterious(0.01);HGNC=TET2 11 ENSP=ENSP00000391448;PolyPhen=possibly_damaging(0.825);SIFT=deleterious(0);HGNC=TET2 12 ENSP=ENSP00000442788;PolyPhen=possibly_damaging(0.825);SIFT=deleterious(0);HGNC=TET2 13 ENSP=ENSP00000442867;PolyPhen=probably_damaging(0.952);SIFT=deleterious(0.01);HGNC=TET2 14 ENSP=ENSP00000369351;PolyPhen=possibly_damaging(0.825);SIFT=deleterious(0);HGNC=TET2 15 ENSP=ENSP00000438851;PolyPhen=probably_damaging(0.998);SIFT=deleterious(0.01);HGNC=TET2 16 ENSP=ENSP00000378245;PolyPhen=probably_damaging(0.983);SIFT=deleterious(0.01);HGNC=TET2 17 ENSP=ENSP00000425443;PolyPhen=possibly_damaging(0.825);SIFT=deleterious(0);HGNC=TET2 18 ENSP=ENSP00000265149;PolyPhen=probably_damaging(0.952);SIFT=deleterious(0.01);HGNC=TET2 19 ENSP=ENSP00000442788;PolyPhen=benign(0.029);SIFT=tolerated(0.15);HGNC=TET2 20 ENSP=ENSP00000425443;PolyPhen=benign(0.029);SIFT=tolerated(0.15);HGNC=TET2

> example2
           V1          V2 V3              V4              V5 V6
1      rs4685 2:198257795  C ENSG00000115524 ENST00000424674 Transcript
2      rs4685 2:198257795  C ENSG00000115524 ENST00000335508 Transcript
3    rs788018 2:198265526  G ENSG00000115524 ENST00000335508 Transcript
4    rs788023 2:198283305  C ENSG00000115524 ENST00000335508 Transcript
5   rs2276598  2:25469502  T ENSG00000119772 ENST00000321117 Transcript
6   rs2276598  2:25469502  T ENSG00000119772 ENST00000380756 Transcript
7   rs2276598  2:25469502  T ENSG00000119772 ENST00000402667 Transcript
8   rs2276598  2:25469502  T ENSG00000119772 ENST00000380746 Transcript
9   rs2276598  2:25469502  T ENSG00000119772 ENST00000264709 Transcript
10  rs3729680 3:178927410  G ENSG00000121879 ENST00000263967 Transcript
11 rs61744960 4:106156163  A ENSG00000168769 ENST00000305737 Transcript
12 rs61744960 4:106156163  A ENSG00000168769 ENST00000413648 Transcript
13 rs61744960 4:106156163  A ENSG00000168769 ENST00000540549 Transcript
14 rs61744960 4:106156163  A ENSG00000168769 ENST00000545826 Transcript
15 rs61744960 4:106156163  A ENSG00000168769 ENST00000380013 Transcript
16 rs61744960 4:106156163  A ENSG00000168769 ENST00000535110 Transcript
17 rs61744960 4:106156163  A ENSG00000168769 ENST00000394764 Transcript
18 rs61744960 4:106156163  A ENSG00000168769 ENST00000513237 Transcript
19 rs61744960 4:106156163  A ENSG00000168769 ENST00000265149 Transcript
20 rs17253672 4:106156187  T ENSG00000168769 ENST00000305737 Transcript
                                     V7   V8   V9  V10 V11 V12        V13
1 SYNONYMOUS_CODING 704 705 235 V gtA/gtG rs4685 2 SYNONYMOUS_CODING 3749 3657 1219 V gtA/gtG rs4685
3                     SYNONYMOUS_CODING 2723 2631  877   G ggT/ggC rs788018
4                     SYNONYMOUS_CODING  515  423  141   K aaA/aaG rs788023
5                     SYNONYMOUS_CODING 1503 1266  422   L ctG/ctA rs2276598
6      NMD_TRANSCRIPT,SYNONYMOUS_CODING 1503 1266  422   L ctG/ctA rs2276598
7                     SYNONYMOUS_CODING  745  597  199   L ctG/ctA rs2276598
8                     SYNONYMOUS_CODING  813  699  233   L ctG/ctA rs2276598
9                     SYNONYMOUS_CODING 1604 1266  422   L ctG/ctA rs2276598
10                NON_SYNONYMOUS_CODING 1330 1173  391 I/M atA/atG rs3729680
11 NON_SYNONYMOUS_CODING 1468 1064 355 G/D gGt/gAt rs61744960 12 NON_SYNONYMOUS_CODING 1204 1064 355 G/D gGt/gAt rs61744960 13 NON_SYNONYMOUS_CODING 1924 1064 355 G/D gGt/gAt rs61744960 14 NON_SYNONYMOUS_CODING 1924 1064 355 G/D gGt/gAt rs61744960 15 NON_SYNONYMOUS_CODING 1450 1064 355 G/D gGt/gAt rs61744960 16 NON_SYNONYMOUS_CODING 1167 1064 355 G/D gGt/gAt rs61744960 17 NON_SYNONYMOUS_CODING 1450 1064 355 G/D gGt/gAt rs61744960 18 NON_SYNONYMOUS_CODING 1924 1127 376 G/D gGt/gAt rs61744960 19 NMD_TRANSCRIPT,NON_SYNONYMOUS_CODING 1450 1064 355 G/D gGt/gAt rs61744960 20 NON_SYNONYMOUS_CODING 1492 1088 363 P/L cCt/cTt rs17253672
1 ENSP=ENSP00000409435;HGNC=SF3B1
2 ENSP=ENSP00000335321;HGNC=SF3B1
3 ENSP=ENSP00000335321;HGNC=SF3B1
4 ENSP=ENSP00000335321;HGNC=SF3B1
5 ENSP=ENSP00000324375;HGNC=DNMT3A
6 ENSP=ENSP00000370132;HGNC=DNMT3A
7 ENSP=ENSP00000384237;HGNC=DNMT3A
8 ENSP=ENSP00000370122;HGNC=DNMT3A
9 ENSP=ENSP00000264709;HGNC=DNMT3A
10 ENSP=ENSP00000263967;PolyPhen=benign(0.019);SIFT=tolerated(0.13);HGNC=PIK3CA 11 ENSP=ENSP00000306705;PolyPhen=probably_damaging(0.983);SIFT=deleterious(0.01);HGNC=TET2 12 ENSP=ENSP00000391448;PolyPhen=possibly_damaging(0.825);SIFT=deleterious(0);HGNC=TET2 13 ENSP=ENSP00000442788;PolyPhen=possibly_damaging(0.825);SIFT=deleterious(0);HGNC=TET2 14 ENSP=ENSP00000442867;PolyPhen=probably_damaging(0.952);SIFT=deleterious(0.01);HGNC=TET2 15 ENSP=ENSP00000369351;PolyPhen=possibly_damaging(0.825);SIFT=deleterious(0);HGNC=TET2 16 ENSP=ENSP00000438851;PolyPhen=probably_damaging(0.998);SIFT=deleterious(0.01);HGNC=TET2 17 ENSP=ENSP00000378245;PolyPhen=probably_damaging(0.983);SIFT=deleterious(0.01);HGNC=TET2 18 ENSP=ENSP00000425443;PolyPhen=possibly_damaging(0.825);SIFT=deleterious(0);HGNC=TET2 19 ENSP=ENSP00000265149;PolyPhen=probably_damaging(0.952);SIFT=deleterious(0.01);HGNC=TET2 20 ENSP=ENSP00000306705;PolyPhen=possibly_damaging(0.602);SIFT=deleterious(0);HGNC=TET2

The Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute is operated by Genome Research Limited, a charity registered in England with number 1021457 and a company registered in England with number 2742969, whose registered office is 215 Euston Road, London, NW1 2BE.
"V1"    "V2"    "V3"    "V4"    "V5"    "V6"    "V7"    "V8"    "V9"    "V10"   
"V11"   "V12"   "V13"   "V14"
"1"     "rs4685"        "2:198257795"   "C"     "ENSG00000115524"       
"ENST00000424674"       "Transcript"    "SYNONYMOUS_CODING"     "704"   "705"   
"235"   "V"     "gtA/gtG"       "rs4685"        
"2"     "rs4685"        "2:198257795"   "C"     "ENSG00000115524"       
"ENST00000335508"       "Transcript"    "SYNONYMOUS_CODING"     "3749"  "3657"  
"1219"  "V"     "gtA/gtG"       "rs4685"        
"3"     "rs788018"      "2:198265526"   "G"     "ENSG00000115524"       
"ENST00000335508"       "Transcript"    "SYNONYMOUS_CODING"     "2723"  "2631"  
"877"   "G"     "ggT/ggC"       "rs788018"      
"4"     "rs788023"      "2:198283305"   "C"     "ENSG00000115524"       
"ENST00000335508"       "Transcript"    "SYNONYMOUS_CODING"     "515"   "423"   
"141"   "K"     "aaA/aaG"       "rs788023"      
"5"     "rs2276598"     "2:25469502"    "T"     "ENSG00000119772"       
"ENST00000321117"       "Transcript"    "SYNONYMOUS_CODING"     "1503"  "1266"  
"422"   "L"     "ctG/ctA"       "rs2276598"     
"6"     "rs2276598"     "2:25469502"    "T"     "ENSG00000119772"       
"ENST00000380756"       "Transcript"    "NMD_TRANSCRIPT,SYNONYMOUS_CODING"      
"1503"  "1266"  "422"   "L"     "ctG/ctA"       "rs2276598"     
"7"     "rs2276598"     "2:25469502"    "T"     "ENSG00000119772"       
"ENST00000402667"       "Transcript"    "SYNONYMOUS_CODING"     "745"   "597"   
"199"   "L"     "ctG/ctA"       "rs2276598"     
"8"     "rs2276598"     "2:25469502"    "T"     "ENSG00000119772"       
"ENST00000380746"       "Transcript"    "SYNONYMOUS_CODING"     "813"   "699"   
"233"   "L"     "ctG/ctA"       "rs2276598"     
"9"     "rs2276598"     "2:25469502"    "T"     "ENSG00000119772"       
"ENST00000264709"       "Transcript"    "SYNONYMOUS_CODING"     "1604"  "1266"  
"422"   "L"     "ctG/ctA"       "rs2276598"     
"10"    "rs3729680"     "3:178927410"   "G"     "ENSG00000121879"       
"ENST00000263967"       "Transcript"    "NON_SYNONYMOUS_CODING" "1330"  "1173"  
"391"   "I/M"   "atA/atG"       "rs3729680"     
"11"    "rs61744960"    "4:106156163"   "A"     "ENSG00000168769"       
"ENST00000305737"       "Transcript"    "NON_SYNONYMOUS_CODING" "1468"  "1064"  
"355"   "G/D"   "gGt/gAt"       "rs61744960"    
"12"    "rs61744960"    "4:106156163"   "A"     "ENSG00000168769"       
"ENST00000413648"       "Transcript"    "NON_SYNONYMOUS_CODING" "1204"  "1064"  
"355"   "G/D"   "gGt/gAt"       "rs61744960"    
"13"    "rs61744960"    "4:106156163"   "A"     "ENSG00000168769"       
"ENST00000540549"       "Transcript"    "NON_SYNONYMOUS_CODING" "1924"  "1064"  
"355"   "G/D"   "gGt/gAt"       "rs61744960"    
"14"    "rs61744960"    "4:106156163"   "A"     "ENSG00000168769"       
"ENST00000545826"       "Transcript"    "NON_SYNONYMOUS_CODING" "1924"  "1064"  
"355"   "G/D"   "gGt/gAt"       "rs61744960"    
"15"    "rs61744960"    "4:106156163"   "A"     "ENSG00000168769"       
"ENST00000380013"       "Transcript"    "NON_SYNONYMOUS_CODING" "1450"  "1064"  
"355"   "G/D"   "gGt/gAt"       "rs61744960"    
"16"    "rs61744960"    "4:106156163"   "A"     "ENSG00000168769"       
"ENST00000535110"       "Transcript"    "NON_SYNONYMOUS_CODING" "1167"  "1064"  
"355"   "G/D"   "gGt/gAt"       "rs61744960"    
"17"    "rs61744960"    "4:106156163"   "A"     "ENSG00000168769"       
"ENST00000394764"       "Transcript"    "NON_SYNONYMOUS_CODING" "1450"  "1064"  
"355"   "G/D"   "gGt/gAt"       "rs61744960"    
"18"    "rs61744960"    "4:106156163"   "A"     "ENSG00000168769"       
"ENST00000513237"       "Transcript"    "NON_SYNONYMOUS_CODING" "1924"  "1127"  
"376"   "G/D"   "gGt/gAt"       "rs61744960"    
"19"    "rs61744960"    "4:106156163"   "A"     "ENSG00000168769"       
"ENST00000265149"       "Transcript"    "NMD_TRANSCRIPT,NON_SYNONYMOUS_CODING"  
"1450"  "1064"  "355"   "G/D"   "gGt/gAt"       "rs61744960"    
"20"    "rs17253672"    "4:106156187"   "T"     "ENSG00000168769"       
"ENST00000305737"       "Transcript"    "NON_SYNONYMOUS_CODING" "1492"  "1088"  
"363"   "P/L"   "cCt/cTt"       "rs17253672"    
"V1"    "V2"    "V3"    "V4"    "V5"    "V6"    "V7"    "V8"    "V9"    "V10"   
"V11"   "V12"   "V13"   "V14"
"1"     "rs4685"        "2:198257795"   "C"     "ENSG00000115524"       
"ENST00000424674"       "Transcript"    "SYNONYMOUS_CODING"     "704"   "705"   
"235"   "V"     "gtA/gtG"       "rs4685"        
"2"     "rs4685"        "2:198257795"   "C"     "ENSG00000115524"       
"ENST00000335508"       "Transcript"    "SYNONYMOUS_CODING"     "3749"  "3657"  
"1219"  "V"     "gtA/gtG"       "rs4685"        
"3"     "rs788018"      "2:198265526"   "G"     "ENSG00000115524"       
"ENST00000335508"       "Transcript"    "SYNONYMOUS_CODING"     "2723"  "2631"  
"877"   "G"     "ggT/ggC"       "rs788018"      
"4"     "rs788023"      "2:198283305"   "C"     "ENSG00000115524"       
"ENST00000335508"       "Transcript"    "SYNONYMOUS_CODING"     "515"   "423"   
"141"   "K"     "aaA/aaG"       "rs788023"      
"5"     "rs41284843"    "2:25536827"    "A"     "ENSG00000119772"       
"ENST00000406659"       "Transcript"    "SYNONYMOUS_CODING"     "365"   "27"    
"9"     "P"     "ccC/ccT"       "rs41284843"    
"6"     "rs41284843"    "2:25536827"    "A"     "ENSG00000119772"       
"ENST00000321117"       "Transcript"    "SYNONYMOUS_CODING"     "264"   "27"    
"9"     "P"     "ccC/ccT"       "rs41284843"    
"7"     "rs41284843"    "2:25536827"    "A"     "ENSG00000119772"       
"ENST00000264709"       "Transcript"    "SYNONYMOUS_CODING"     "365"   "27"    
"9"     "P"     "ccC/ccT"       "rs41284843"    
"8"     "rs41284843"    "2:25536827"    "A"     "ENSG00000119772"       
"ENST00000380756"       "Transcript"    "NMD_TRANSCRIPT,SYNONYMOUS_CODING"      
"264"   "27"    "9"     "P"     "ccC/ccT"       "rs41284843"    
"9"     "rs3729680"     "3:178927410"   "G"     "ENSG00000121879"       
"ENST00000263967"       "Transcript"    "NON_SYNONYMOUS_CODING" "1330"  "1173"  
"391"   "I/M"   "atA/atG"       "rs3729680"     
"10"    "rs61744960"    "4:106156163"   "A"     "ENSG00000168769"       
"ENST00000305737"       "Transcript"    "NON_SYNONYMOUS_CODING" "1468"  "1064"  
"355"   "G/D"   "gGt/gAt"       "rs61744960"    
"11"    "rs61744960"    "4:106156163"   "A"     "ENSG00000168769"       
"ENST00000413648"       "Transcript"    "NON_SYNONYMOUS_CODING" "1204"  "1064"  
"355"   "G/D"   "gGt/gAt"       "rs61744960"    
"12"    "rs61744960"    "4:106156163"   "A"     "ENSG00000168769"       
"ENST00000540549"       "Transcript"    "NON_SYNONYMOUS_CODING" "1924"  "1064"  
"355"   "G/D"   "gGt/gAt"       "rs61744960"    
"13"    "rs61744960"    "4:106156163"   "A"     "ENSG00000168769"       
"ENST00000545826"       "Transcript"    "NON_SYNONYMOUS_CODING" "1924"  "1064"  
"355"   "G/D"   "gGt/gAt"       "rs61744960"    
"14"    "rs61744960"    "4:106156163"   "A"     "ENSG00000168769"       
"ENST00000380013"       "Transcript"    "NON_SYNONYMOUS_CODING" "1450"  "1064"  
"355"   "G/D"   "gGt/gAt"       "rs61744960"    
"15"    "rs61744960"    "4:106156163"   "A"     "ENSG00000168769"       
"ENST00000535110"       "Transcript"    "NON_SYNONYMOUS_CODING" "1167"  "1064"  
"355"   "G/D"   "gGt/gAt"       "rs61744960"    
"16"    "rs61744960"    "4:106156163"   "A"     "ENSG00000168769"       
"ENST00000394764"       "Transcript"    "NON_SYNONYMOUS_CODING" "1450"  "1064"  
"355"   "G/D"   "gGt/gAt"       "rs61744960"    
"17"    "rs61744960"    "4:106156163"   "A"     "ENSG00000168769"       
"ENST00000513237"       "Transcript"    "NON_SYNONYMOUS_CODING" "1924"  "1127"  
"376"   "G/D"   "gGt/gAt"       "rs61744960"    
"18"    "rs61744960"    "4:106156163"   "A"     "ENSG00000168769"       
"ENST00000265149"       "Transcript"    "NMD_TRANSCRIPT,NON_SYNONYMOUS_CODING"  
"1450"  "1064"  "355"   "G/D"   "gGt/gAt"       "rs61744960"    
"19"    "rs2454206"     "4:106196951"   "G"     "ENSG00000168769"       
"ENST00000540549"       "Transcript"    "NON_SYNONYMOUS_CODING" "6144"  "5284"  
"1762"  "I/V"   "Ata/Gta"       "rs2454206"     
"20"    "rs2454206"     "4:106196951"   "G"     "ENSG00000168769"       
"ENST00000513237"       "Transcript"    "NON_SYNONYMOUS_CODING" "6144"  "5347"  
"1783"  "I/V"   "Ata/Gta"       "rs2454206"     
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