Dear R helpers,

I have a data.frame as given below -

dat1 = data.frame(date = 

name = as.character(c("xyz","xyz","xyz","xyz","xyz","xyz","xyz","xyz", 
"xyz","abc", "abc","abc","abc","abc","abc", "abc","abc","abc","lmn","lmn", 
"lmn","lmn",  "lmn","lmn", "lmn","lmn","lmn")),

rate = c(c(0.065550707, 0.001825007, 0.054441969, 0.020810572, 0.073430586, 
0.037299722, 0.099807733, 0.042072817, 0.099487289, 5.550737022, 4.877620777,  
5.462477493, 4.972518082, 5.01495407, 5.820459609, 5.403881954, 5.009506516, 
4.807763909, 10.11885434,10.1856975,10.04976806,10.15428632, 10.20399335, 

> dat1
         date      name         rate
1  2012-03-30  xyz  0.065550707
2  2012-03-29  xyz  0.001825007
3  2012-03-28  xyz  0.054441969
4  2012-03-27  xyz  0.020810572
5  2012-03-26  xyz  0.073430586
6  2012-03-23  xyz  0.037299722
7  2012-03-22  xyz  0.099807733
8  2012-03-21  xyz  0.042072817
9  2012-03-20  xyz  0.099487289
10 2012-03-30  abc  5.550737022
11 2012-03-29  abc  4.877620777
12 2012-03-28  abc  5.462477493
13 2012-03-27  abc  4.972518082
14 2012-03-26  abc  5.014954070
15 2012-03-23  abc  5.820459609
16 2012-03-22  abc  5.403881954
17 2012-03-21  abc  5.009506516
18 2012-03-20  abc  4.807763909
19 2012-03-30  lmn 10.118854340
20 2012-03-29  lmn 10.185697500
21 2012-03-28  lmn 10.049768060
22 2012-03-27  lmn 10.154286320
23 2012-03-26  lmn 10.203993350
24 2012-03-23  lmn 10.229667040
25 2012-03-22  lmn 10.209677420
26 2012-03-21  lmn 10.229277930
27 2012-03-20  lmn 10.024391920



in.melt <- melt(dat1, measure = 'rate')
(df = cast(in.melt, date ~ name))

df_sorted = df[order(as.Date(df$date, "%m/%d/%Y"), decreasing = TRUE),]

> df_sorted
        date         abc         lmn         xyz
9 2012-03-30    5.550737 10.11885 0.065550707
8 2012-03-29    4.877621 10.18570 0.001825007
7 2012-03-28    5.462477 10.04977 0.054441969
6 2012-03-27    4.972518 10.15429 0.020810572
5 2012-03-26    5.014954 10.20399 0.073430586
4 2012-03-23    5.820460 10.22967 0.037299722
3 2012-03-22    5.403882 10.20968 0.099807733
2 2012-03-21    5.009507 10.22928 0.042072817
1 2012-03-20    4.807764 10.02439 0.099487289

My Problem :-

The original data.frame has the order name as "xyz", "abc" and "lmn". However, 
after melt and cast command, the order in the "df_sorted" has changed to "abc", 
"lmn" and " xyz". How do I maintain the original order in "df_sorted" i.e. I 

        date       xyz                 abc           lmn        

9 2012-03-30   0.065550707   5.550737   10.11885 

8 2012-03-29   0.001825007   4.877621   10.18570 

7 2012-03-28   0.054441969   5.462477   10.04977 

6 2012-03-27   0.020810572   4.972518   10.15429 

5 2012-03-26   0.073430586   5.014954   10.20399 

4 2012-03-23   0.037299722   5.820460   10.22967 

3 2012-03-22   0.099807733   5.403882   10.20968 

2 2012-03-21   0.042072817   5.009507   10.22928 

1 2012-03-20   0.099487289   4.807764   10.02439 

Kindly guide

Thanking in advance


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