
It's helpful to provide code that generates your (example) data.
You can use the function dput() to do that.

# I set up your matrix a bit differently than what you presented.
output <- structure(c(-2.3109, -0.2934, -0.5539, -2.1352, -2.6968, 
-0.3973, -0.6468, 0.4181, -0.6243, 2.9316, 0.1988, 0.9172, 0.8503, 
0.264, 0.0807, 0.2982, 0.9031, 0.8159, 0.9816, 0.8242, 0.99, 
-3.162, -6.1667, -5.5787, -2.705, -1.3854, -2.2508, -5.0478, 
-4.8601, -3.7542, -4.1885, -1.6759, 0.025, 0.01, 0.01, 0.0794, 
0.542, 0.2211, 0.01, 0.01, 0.01, 0.01, 0.4343, -6.0281, -7.897, 
-8.9303, -6.0953, -5.846, -4.761, -6.7784, -8.6037, -5.9572, 
-6.4269, -5.1065, 0.01, 0.01, 0.01, 0.01, 0.01, 0.01, 0.01, 0.01, 
0.01, 0.01, 0.01), .Dim = c(11L, 6L), .Dimnames = list(c("Liabilities", 
"Long.Bond", "Stocks", "CPI", "Nom.10Y", "T.Bills", "Commodities", 
"Real.Estate", "Credit.Spread", "Term.Spread", "Dividend.Yield"
), c("ADF-Level", "P-Value", "ADF-First D", "P-Value", "ADF-Second D", 

# here's one way to color code information in a table in a graphics device
textplot(format(output), col.data=(output[, c(2, 2, 4, 4, 6, 6)] > 
0.05)+1, halign="right")


Rmillan <emiln_leifs...@hotmail.com> wrote on 08/27/2012 04:05:38 AM:
> Hi all R-users,
> I?m trying to assign colors on those p-value in my table output that 
> above a certain critical value, let?s say a p-value >0.05.
> My table looks like this:
>                   Assets                    ADF-Level      P-Value 
> ADF-First D      P-Value      ADF-Second D    P-Value
> [1,]   Liabilities                      -2.3109       0.1988 
> -3.162 
> 0.025   -6.0281           0.01
> [2,]   Long.Bond   -0.2934       0.9172         -6.1667 
> 0.01   -7.897 
> 0.01
> [3,]   Stocks                      -0.5539         0.8503        -5.
> 5787 
> 0.01   -8.9303           0.01
> [4,]   CPI                      -2.1352       0.264         -2.705  
> 0.0794   -6.0953           0.01
> [5,]   Nom.10Y                      -2.6968       0.0807         -1.
> 3854 
> 0.542   -5.846           0.01
> [6,]   T.Bills                      -2.0429       0.2982         -2.
> 2508 
> 0.2211   -4.761           0.01
> [7,]   Commodities   -0.3973       0.9031         -5.0478 
> 0.01   -6.7784 
> 0.01
> [8,]   Real.Estate   -0.6468       0.8159         -4.8601 
> 0.01   -8.6037 
> 0.01
> [9,]   Credit.Spread    0.4181       0.9816         -3.7542 
> 0.01   -5.9572 
> 0.01
> [10,]   Term.Spread   -0.6243       0.8242         -4.1885 
> 0.01   -6.4269 
> 0.01
> [11,]   Dividend.Yield    2.9316       0.99         -1.6759 0.4343
> -5.1065           0.01
> What could be nice was, if it is possible to highlight, for instance, 
> the p-values in this table that are larger than 0.05 with the color red.
> Any ideas on how this can be done?
> All the values in this table are stored in vectors that I have combined 
as a
> matrix and thereafter plotted as a matrix. Therefore this problem 
> could also be solved if the values that are larger than 0.05 in the 
> ?adf.pvalue? are saved as colored values.
> After the values are stored in the vectors, adf.tvalue, adf.pvalue,
> adf.tvalue1, adf.pvalue1, adf.tvalue2 and adf.pvalue2, the code looks 
> this: 
> >output<-matrix(c
> >colnames(output)<-c("Assets","ADF-Level","P-Value","ADF-First
> D","P-Value","ADF-Second D","P-Value")
> >output
> Thanks in advance.
> Sincerely,
> Emil

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