summary: how to structure an R file such that it can be both

1. used as a script via, e.g., (from OS commandline)

$ Rscript foo.r bar=baz

2. imported and called as a function via, e.g. (from R commandline)

> source('./foo.r)
> foo(bar='baz')

? I'm looking for the 'R equivalent' of how python supports this


As discussed in the thread beginning

I have a script

that takes named arguments without undue pain. I would also like to be
able to call it as a function from other scripts. How to do that in R?
In case that's not specific enough :-) I know how to structure files/
modules in python like

(i.e., generically,
> """module docstring"""
> # imports
> # constants
> # exception classes
> # interface functions
> # classes
> # internal functions & classes
> def main(...):
>     ...
> if __name__ == '__main__':
>     status = main()
>     sys.exit(status)

) so that the file/module is both

1. callable from the OS commandline via, e.g.,

$ /path/to/

2. importable without mere import causing execution of the script's
   functionality, e.g.,

>>> sys.path.append('/path/to')
>>> from cmdline import *
>>> process_command_line(...)

How to do this in R?

TIA, Tom Roche <>

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