
Your image is projected, not your panels.

Does it match what you are looking for?

wld <- map('world', xlim=c(west.lon.deg,east.lon.deg), ylim=c(south.lat.deg,north.lat.deg),plot=FALSE)

wld <- data.frame(lon=wld$x, lat=wld$y)

state <- map('state', xlim=c(west.lon.deg,east.lon.deg), ylim=c(south.lat.deg,north.lat.deg),plot=FALSE)

state <- data.frame(lon=state$x, lat=state$y)

sigdigs=3 # significant digits
# plot "appropriately" for atmospheric data: use
# * lattice::levelplot
# * one column, since atmospheric levels stack vertically
  concentration ~ longitude * latitude | level,
  data=data.3d.df, layout=c(1,n.lev),
  levs=as.character(round(data.3d.df[['level']], 1)),
    factor.levels= # thanks, David Winsemius
      as.character(signif(unique(data.3d.df[['level']]), sigdigs)),
    # gotta shrink strip text size to fit strip width:
    # more on that separately
) +
  xyplot(lat ~ lon, state, type='l', lty=1, lwd=0.5, col='black') +
  xyplot(lat ~ lon, wld, type='l', lty=1, lwd=1, col='black')


Le 21/11/2012 08:40, Tom Roche a écrit :

r-help lattice adepts:

I have a question which is somewhat geospatial, so I posted to r-sig-geo
rather than here:

summary: How to overlay a geographical map on each panel in a lattice
(or Trellis), e.g., of levelplot's? Note I am not inquiring about
creating choropleth maps[,]

which Sarkar 2008 covers quite well (and which is supported by
latticeExtra::mapplot): I just want to appropriately overlay a
garden-variety boundary-line map on panel viewspaces defined by
longitude and latitude.

A relatively small, quite self-contained example follows the quote
above, in which I plot toy data in the sort of lattice layout I need ...
except that each panel lacks a map appropriate to the spatial domain. If
your competencies extend to that, your assistance would be appreciated.

TIA, Tom Roche <tom_ro...@pobox.com>

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