Henrique, thanks for the response.  As a new 
user, I was unaware of with() and ave(), those are both very helpful.

However, I don't think your method is quite 
right.  I for all rows in each Key, I want the mean( IAC) where ProfA <= 0.

To simplify the problem,  I have made a subset 
dataframe that contains only the rows required 
for the mean (data frame names changed from the original email) ...

FDP0D<-subset( FD, abs( FD$ProfA) < .01 & FD$IncA < 70, select=c(Key,IAC))

The first few rows of FDP0D look like this (note row names) ...

 > FDP0D
                                              Key    IAC
11     B6-VB000.VB00045.   0.889
12     B6-VB000.VB00045.   0.889
13     B6-VB000.VB00045.   0.890
14     B6-VB000.VB00045.   0.890
15     B6-VB000.VB00045.   0.891
16     B6-VB000.VB00045.   0.892
17     B6-VB000.VB00045.   0.893
83     B6-VB020.VB02045.   0.852
84     B6-VB020.VB02045.   0.852
85     B6-VB020.VB02045.   0.852
(etc ... 630 rows)

Now I do the ave( )

 > X<-with( FDP0D, ave( IAC, list( Key), mean))

And I get ...

function (x, ...)
<environment: namespace:base>
Error in unique.default(x) : unique() applies only to vectors

What's up?  unique() seems to work OK on Key ...

 > with( FDP0D, unique( Key))
  [1] "B6-VB000.VB00045."   "B6-VB020.VB02045."
  [3] "B6-VB040.VB04045."   "B6-VB060.VB06045."
  [5] "B6-VB080.VB08045."   "B6-VB100.VB10045."
  [7] "BC6-VB000.VB00045."  "BC6-VB020.VB02045."
  [9] "BC6-VB040.VB04045."  "BC6-VB060.VB06045."
(etc, 90 values which is correct)


Chip Barnaby

At 03:09 PM 4/30/2008, Henrique Dallazuanna wrote:
>If I understand your question:
>  x$IAC0 <- with(x, ave(IAC, list(ProfA, Key), FUN = mean))
>On Wed, Apr 30, 2008 at 3:52 PM, Chip Barnaby 
>Dear all --
>I have a data frame containing data related to 
>heat gain through windows.  The general form is ...
>Key  ProfA    IAC   <many other numeric columns>
>AAA        0    .7
>AAA      10    .6
>AAA        0   .66
>AAA      20   .45
>(more AAA rows)
>(then AAB rows)
>'Key' identifies the physical configuration ... 
>rows with a given Key contain data for same window under various conditions.
>I want to add a column IAC0 containing, for each 
>Key, the mean IAC of all rows with ProfA == 0.
>The general approach I think I need is 
>approximately (the following is not known to run) --
>1) XS<-subset( X, ProfA < .01) to get the ProfA 
>== 0 rows.  This could be done implicitly as part of step 2, I suppose.
>2) X0<-aggregate( XS[,"IAC"], by=list( Key=XS$Key), mean)
>3) XF<-merge( X, X0, by="Key")
>4) Change new col name to "IAC0" (see Question 2).
>Question 1: Is this a reasonable way to solve my problem?
>Question 2: The aggregate() result has 2 
>columns: "Key" and "x".   Can the name of the 
>mean column be specified (short of renaming 
>after the fact)?  All the aggregate() examples 
>(e.g. in help()) elegantly produce the "right 
>result" with nicely named columns etc.  I can't 
>seem to make things work so smoothly.
>Chip Barnaby
>Vice President of Research
>Wrightsoft Corp.               781-862-8719 x118 voice
>131 Hartwell Ave               781-861-2058 fax
>Lexington, MA 02421         <http://www.wrightsoft.com>www.wrightsoft.com
><mailto:R-help@r-project.org>R-help@r-project.org mailing list
>PLEASE do read the posting guide 
>and provide commented, minimal, self-contained, reproducible code.
>Henrique Dallazuanna
>25° 25' 40" S 49° 16' 22" O

Chip Barnaby                   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Vice President of Research
Wrightsoft Corp.               781-862-8719 x118 voice
131 Hartwell Ave               781-861-2058 fax
Lexington, MA 02421         www.wrightsoft.com
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