Thank you for your response Jim! I will give this one a try! But a couple 
followup questions...

In my search for a solution, I had seen something stating match() is much more 
efficient than subset() and will cut down significantly on computing time. Is 
there any truth to that?

Also, I found the following solution which works for matching a single 
condition, but I couldn't quite figure out how to  modify it it to search for 
both my acceptable conditions...

> testdata <- testdata[testdata$REC.TYPE == "SAO",,drop=FALSE]


--- On Sun, 3/3/13, jim holtman <> wrote:

From: jim holtman <>
Subject: Re: [R] Help searching a matrix for only certain records
To: "Matt Borkowski" <>
Date: Sunday, March 3, 2013, 8:00 AM

Try this:

dataset <- subset(dataset, grepl("(SAO |FL-15)", REC.TYPE))

On Sun, Mar 3, 2013 at 1:11 AM, Matt Borkowski <> wrote:
> Let me start by saying I am rather new to R and generally consider myself to 
> be a novice don't assume I know what I'm doing :)
> I have a large matrix, approximately 300,000 x 14. It's essentially a 20-year 
> dataset of 15-minute data. However, I only need the rows where the column 
> I've named REC.TYPE contains the string "SAO  " or "FL-15".
> My horribly inefficient solution was to search the matrix row by row, test 
> the REC.TYPE column and essentially delete the row if it did not match my 
> criteria. Essentially...
>> j <- 1
>> for (i in 1:nrow(dataset)) {
>>    if(dataset$REC.TYPE[j] != "SAO  " && dataset$RECTYPE[j] != "FL-15") {
>>      dataset <- dataset[-j,]  }
>>    else {
>>      j <- j+1  }
>> }
> After watching my code get through only about 10% of the matrix in an hour 
> and slowing with every row...I figure there must be a more efficient way of 
> pulling out only the records I need...especially when I need to repeat this 
> for another 8 datasets.
> Can anyone point me in the right direction?
> Thanks!
> Matt
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Jim Holtman
Data Munger Guru

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