On Apr 12, 2013, at 7:58 AM, Julio Sergio wrote:

Berend Hasselman <bhh <at> xs4all.nl> writes:

Your function miBeta returns a scalar when the argument mu is a vector.
Use Vectorize to vectorize it. Like this

 VmiBeta <- Vectorize(miBeta,vectorize.args=c("mu"))

and draw the curve with this

 curve(VmiBeta,xlim=c(370,430), xlab="mu", ylab="L(mu)")


Taking into account what you have pointed out, I reprogrammed my function
as follows, as an alternative solution to yours:

  zetas <- function(alpha) {z <- qnorm(alpha/2); c(z,-z)}

  # First transformation function
  Tzx <- function(z, sigma_p, mu_p) sigma_p*z + mu_p

  # Second transformation function
  Txz <- function(x, sigma_p, mu_p) (x - mu_p)/sigma_p

  BetaG <- function(mu, alpha, n, sigma, mu_0) {
    lasZ <- zetas(alpha) # Zs corresponding to alpha
    sigma_M <- sigma/sqrt(n) # sd of my distribution
    lasX <- Tzx(lasZ, sigma_M, mu_0) # Transformed Zs into Xs
    # Now I consider mu to be a vector composed of m's
    NewZ <- lapply(mu, function(m) Txz(lasX, sigma_M, m))
    # NewZ is a list, the same length as mu, with 2D vectors
    # The result will be a vector, the same length as mu (and NewZ)
    sapply(NewZ, function(zz) pnorm(zz[2]) - pnorm(zz[1]))

  miBeta <- function(mu) BetaG(mu, 0.05, 36, 48, 400)

  plot(miBeta,xlim=c(370,430), xlab="mu", ylab="L(mu)")

I hope this is useful to people following this discussion,

This could be completely tangential to your problem with vectorization of arguments to 'curve'. Feel free to ignore. The second of your functions looks to be doing the same as the R function 'scale'. I would have expected it to be applied first and then to have an 'unscale' operation performed to restore (but I am not aware that there is an inbuilt function with that feature):

umat <- sweep( mat, 2, attr(m2, 'scaled:scale'), '*')

umat <- sweep( umat, 2, attr(m2, 'scaled:center'), '+')

# Or perhaps this where 'sx' was the result of a 'scale' call:

scale(sx, -attr(sx, 'scaled:center'), 1/attr(sx,'scaled:scale') ), - attr(sx, 'scaled:center')




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