Awesome, exactly what I was hoping for! Thanks so much! You are right -  I
put in the wrong end dates for the second day.



On Thu, May 9, 2013 at 4:01 PM, Rui Barradas <> wrote:

> Hello,
> Maybe the following will do it. Note, however, that in your data, for
> start day 2012-02-11, the end day is always 2012-02-12 so the time
> differences will be negative.
> fun2 <- function(x){
>         d <- numeric(nrow(x) - 1)
>         for(i in seq_len(nrow(x))[-1]){
>                 start <- strptime(paste(x[i, 1], x[i, 2]), format =
> "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
>                 end <- strptime(paste(x[i - 1, 3], x[i - 1, 4]), format =
> "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
>                 dd <- difftime(start, end)
>                 if(attr(dd, "units") == "hours")
>                         d[i - 1] <- dd*60
>                 else if(attr(dd, "units") == "days")
>                         d[i - 1] <- dd*24*60
>                 else
>                         d[i - 1] <- dd
>         }
>         d
> }
> lapply(split(df, df[,1]), fun2)
> Hope this helps,
> Rui Barradas
> Em 09-05-2013 13:44, Kai Mx escreveu:
>> Hi Rui,
>> thanks for the quick fix. I am still wrapping my mind around your
>> expression, but unfortunately it doesn't quite give me what I want. You
>> are
>> calculating differences between the start times. However, I would like to
>> know the 'idle' periods between the events, ie the time between the end of
>> one event and the beginning of the next (but only for the events that
>> start
>> on the same day).
>> Best,
>> Kai
>> On Thu, May 9, 2013 at 1:55 PM, Rui Barradas <>
>> wrote:
>>  Hello,
>>> If I understand it well, try the following.
>>> tmp <- lapply(tapply(as.POSIXct(****paste(df[,1], df[,2])), df[,1],
>>> diff),
>>> `*`, 60)
>>> lapply(tmp, as.integer)
>>> Hope this helps,
>>> Rui Barradas
>>> Em 09-05-2013 11:45, Kai Mx escreveu:
>>>  Hi everybody,
>>>> I have an analysis problem that seems a little overwhelming to me, but
>>>> is
>>>> probably not too hard to solve for you guys. I have a (fairly large)
>>>> dataframe that indicates usage of a resource on different days:
>>>> df <-data.frame (
>>>>     dstartday =c(rep('2012-02-10', 4), rep('2012-02-11', 5)),
>>>>     dstart =c('08:05:00','09:35:00', '12:00:00','13:00:00', '07:50:00',
>>>> '9:45:00', '13:00:00', '14:05:00', '15:50:00'),
>>>>     dendday =c (rep('2012-02-10', 3), '2012-02-11',rep('2012-02-12',
>>>> 5)),
>>>>     dend = c ('08:35:00','09:40:00', '12:20:00', '01:00:00', '08:35:00',
>>>> '11:00:00', '13:15:00', '15:00:00', '17:00:00')
>>>> )
>>>> Each row reflects an event that starts at the date and time that is
>>>> indicated by dstartday/dstart and ends at dendday/dend.
>>>> Now I would like to calculate the time intervals in minutes between the
>>>> different events that start on a specific day, eg for '2012-02-10' it
>>>> should be 60, 140, 40. The interval between the last event of the day
>>>> and
>>>> the first event of the next is not relevant and should be ignored.
>>>> Events
>>>> may run overnight, but there should not be any overlaps between start
>>>> and
>>>> end times.
>>>> I have imported all the data as strings.
>>>> Any thoughts and suggested readings/packages are really appreciated,
>>>> thanks!
>>>> Best,
>>>> Kai
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