Ouch. My apologies David, after reading the message I didn't bother to look at 
the txt file.
John Kane
Kingston ON Canada

> -----Original Message-----
> From: dwinsem...@comcast.net
> Sent: Tue, 25 Jun 2013 09:09:15 -0700
> To: jrkrid...@inbox.com
> Subject: Re: [R] Fwd: Questions about working with a dataframe
> On Jun 25, 2013, at 8:57 AM, John Kane wrote:
>> Hi, welcome to R
>> Try using the function str() on both files so str(WWA) and str(oWWA) and
>> compare the structures that you get.  Probably one of the varables you
>> defined when creating the original WWA data set has changed from a
>> character variable to a factor or vis versa.
>> It is a good idea to use dput to supply sample data here.
>> So dput(WWA) and paste the results into the email and repeat with the
>> other data set.  Then readers can paste the actual data sets into R and
>> work on them directly.
> In this case I think it would be much more courteous to include:
> dput(head(WWA))
> dput(head(oWWA))
> ... in light of the attached 5MB file in that email.
> I apologize to the other list readers for approving it in the moderation
> queue. It should ahve been rejected, but my excuse is that the moderation
> viewer doesn't always highlight all aspects of hte postings being viewed
> that should be highlighted.
> --
> David.
>> If the str() approach does not give you enough information please paste
>> in the dput results in your next email.
>> Good luck
>> John Kane
>> Kingston ON Canada
>>> -----Original Message-----
>>> From: jacqueline.oe...@gmx.ch
>>> Sent: Tue, 25 Jun 2013 16:25:59 +0200
>>> To: r-help@r-project.org
>>> Subject: [R] Fwd: Questions about working with a dataframe
>>>> Dear R-Users,
>>>> I hope this is the right e-mail adress to post questions about
>>>> Programming in R, and I hope somebody of you can help me with the
>>>> troubles I have :)
>>>> 1) First Question:
>>>> I have a dataframe called "WWA" (its attached to this e-mail
>>>> ). It looks a little bit like the following one:
>>>> testcoordID testcommunity testaltitude     testSpeciesName
>>>> 1      503146       Bournes        523.2     Bellis perennis
>>>> 2      503146       Bournes        321.5 Cynosurus cristatus
>>>> 3      557154       Bournes        654.1   Festuca pratensis
>>>> 4      557154         Aigle        938.6     Bellis perennis
>>>> 5      569226         Aigle        401.3     Bellis perennis
>>>> 6      599246         Aigle        765.9   Prunella vulgaris
>>>> ((I programmed this little one like this:
>>>> testcoordID
>>>> <-c(as.integer("503146"),as.integer("503146"),as.integer("557154"),as.integer("557154"),as.integer("569226"),as.integer("599246"))
>>>> testcommunity <-factor(c("Bournes","Bournes","Bournes", "Aigle",
>>>> "Aigle", "Aigle"))
>>>> testaltitude <- c(523.2,321.5,654.1,938.6,401.3,765.9)
>>>> testSpeciesName <-c( "Bellis perennis",
>>>>                     "Cynosurus cristatus",
>>>>                     "Festuca pratensis",
>>>>                    "Bellis perennis",
>>>>                    "Bellis perennis",
>>>>                     "Prunella vulgaris")
>>>> testframe <- data.frame(testcoordID,testcommunity,testaltitude,
>>>> testSpeciesName))
>>>> I needed to manipulate WWA in Excel, therefore i wrote
>>>> it as a text-file:
>>>>> write.table(WWA, "WWA.txt", col.names=T, row.names=F, sep= ";", quote
>>>>> =T)
>>>> Then I manipulated the WWA.txt in Excel and saved it as "noWWA.csv"(
>>>> ) and re-importet it under the new name "oWWA" in R:
>>>>> oWWA <- read.csv("~/Desktop/NCCR master projekt/BDM
>>>>> Beschreibungen/BDM
>>>>> Daten/noWWA.csv", header=TRUE, sep=";")
>>>> What i need to do with this "WWA" or "oWWA"is finally to create a list
>>>> (or a dataframe but this is not possible i think), that shows for each
>>>> coordinateID ("testcoordID") the species Names occuring at this place:
>>>>> species_per_coordID1<- tapply((WWA$speciesName), WWA$coordID, list)
>>>>> species_per_coordID2 <- split(WWA$speciesName, WWA$coordID)
>>>> ---> now my Question: This works very well with the WWA table, but not
>>>> with the oWWA!! I think i changed something in the dataframe by
>>>> converting it to a .txt file and than back to a .csv;
>>>> But does anybody know why it works with WWA and not with oWWA? how can
>>>> I
>>>> treat the WWA dataframe in Excel without changing any format of it?
>>>> Thaanks a lot for any help or suggestions!!!!!
>>>> Have a nice day,
>>>> Kind regards Jacqueline
> David Winsemius
> Alameda, CA, USA

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