On 12/13/2013 1:14 PM, Silvano Cesar da Costa wrote:

I'm using Sweave to create some tables. My code is:

<<label=Q1, echo=FALSE, results=tex>>=
tab1 = table(DISCIPLINA, Q1)
tab1.prop = round(addmargins(100*prop.table(tab1, 1),
FUN=list(Total=sum)), 2)
tab1.txt = xtable(tab1.prop, align="l|rrrrrr", label='Q1',
caption=c("Apresentação da proposta de programa a ser desenvolvida na
disciplina", "Q1"))
print(tab1.txt, format.args=list(big.mark = ".", decimal.mark = ","),
caption.placement='top', table.placement='H')

but, the output is

Margins computed over dimensions
in the following order:
2: Q1
% latex table generated in R 3.0.0 by xtable 1.7-1 package
% Fri Dec 13 19:00:35 2013
\caption[Q1]{Apresentação da proposta de programa a ser desenvolvida na
  & 1 & 2 & 3 & 4 & 5 & Total \\
6BAV039 & 5,45 & 20,00 & 40,00 & 29,09 & 5,45 & 100,00 \\
   6BIO029 & 1,85 & 1,85 & 31,48 & 37,04 & 27,78 & 100,00 \\
   6BIO030 & 0,00 & 0,00 & 5,45 & 45,45 & 49,09 & 100,00 \\
   6BIO031 & 0,00 & 1,89 & 45,28 & 30,19 & 22,64 & 100,00 \\
   6BIQ014 & 0,00 & 0,00 & 9,26 & 42,59 & 48,15 & 100,00 \\
   6CIF023 & 1,85 & 3,70 & 20,37 & 42,59 & 31,48 & 100,00 \\
   6EMA024 & 1,85 & 9,26 & 25,93 & 38,89 & 24,07 & 100,00 \\
   6HIT011 & 0,00 & 0,00 & 3,70 & 27,78 & 68,52 & 100,00 \\
   6MOR012 & 0,00 & 0,00 & 41,82 & 47,27 & 10,91 & 100,00 \\
   6PAT013 & 0,00 & 5,56 & 29,63 & 44,44 & 20,37 & 100,00 \\
   6SOC016 & 3,64 & 9,09 & 38,18 & 29,09 & 20,00 & 100,00 \\
   Total & 14,65 & 51,35 & 291,11 & 414,43 & 328,47 & 1.100,00 \\

and I don't want this output

Margins computed over dimensions
in the following order:
2: Q1

How can I get out it?

The message is coming from the addmargins function. You can add the argument quiet=FALSE to the addmargins call (see the help page for addmargins).

Despite the help page referring to it as a "message", it is not really a message (in the sense of reported via message()) but is written out with cat(). Therefore the typical ways to suppress a message (suppressMessages(), etc.) won't work. The quiet argument to addmargins is the most straightforward way.


Silvano Cesar da Costa

Universidade Estadual de Londrina
Centro de Ciências Exatas
Departamento de Estatística

Fone: (43) 3371-4346

Brian S. Diggs, PhD
Senior Research Associate, Department of Surgery
Oregon Health & Science University

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