Sorry I'm a little late to the party on this one, but I thought I'd 
throw in my solution.

I usually produce my plots with the svg device. Ex:


Word doesn't play well with .svg files but the free, open source 
software inkscape works well. I use inkscape to put together figures and 
I usually add axis labels in inkscape as well.
Save your figure from inkscape as an enhanced metafile (*.emf) and 
import them into word.

This procedure works well with word 2007, I can't speak directly about 
other versions.


On 12/15/2013 3:00 PM, david hamer wrote:
> Hello,
> My x-y scatterplot produces a very ragged best-fit line when imported into
> Word.
> * >plot (data.file$x, data.file$y, type = "p", las=1, pch=20,        ylab =
> expression("Cover of Species y" ~ (m^{2}~ha^{-1} )),        xlab =
> expression("Cover of Species x" ~ (m^{2}~ha^{-1}))  )    >lines  (
> data.file$x,   fitted ( model.x )  )*
>   A suggestion from the internet is to use .png at high (1200) resolution.
>     * >dev.print  ( device = png,  file = "R.graph.png",  width = 1200,
> height = 700)*
> This gives a high--quality graph, but the titles and tick--mark labels become
> very tiny when exported into Word.
> I therefore increased the size of the titles and tick--mark labels with cex.
>     * >plot (......cex =1.8, cex.lab = 1.8, cex.axis = 1.25,....)*
> But this causes the x--axis title to lie on top of the tick--mark labels.
> (This problem does not occur with the y--axis, where the title lies well
> away from the y--axis tick--mark labels.)
> Changing margins     * >par ( mai = c ( 1.3, 1.35, 1, .75 ) )*    does not
> seem to have any effect on this.
> A suggestion from the internet is to delete the titles from plot, and use
> mtext with line=4 to drop the title lower on the graph.
> * >plot (.......  ylab = " ", xlab = " ".....)    >mtext(side = 1, "Cover
> of Species x (superscripts??)", line = 4)*
> This works, but with mtext I have now lost the ability to have the
> superscripts in the axis title.
> And I am back full circle, having to lower the resolution of the graph to
> keep the x--axis title away from the axis, and thus reverting to a ragged,
> segmented "line" when exported to Word......
> Final note:  The R graphics window version of the graph becomes very
> distorted, even though the graph may be of high quality (other than the
> problem of the x-axis title overlaying the x-axis tick-mark labels) once in
> Word.  I guess this is because of using "tricks" to try to get a desired
> end-product in Word....
> Thanks for any suggestions,
>           David.
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