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On Fri, Mar 7, 2014 at 5:16 AM, Alicia Ellis <alicia.m.el...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I am analyzing some data that came from demographic health surveys.  The
> data contain information for individuals within households, that are
> located within clusters, that are located within survey years, that are
> located within countries.  We are trying to find the best model from a
> subset of predictors, and all models must contain the random variable of
> household within cluster within year within country.
> We are running models on a server with 64GB memory and 6 CPU cores
> Data are available at:
> First, we tested a linear mixed model using the lmer package:
> ########## Install Packages ##########
> library(lme4)
> library(glmulti)
> ########## Clear all memory/objects ##########
>  rm(list=ls())
>  ########## Read in Data ##########
> mydata = read.csv("kr.and.GIS.cleaned.Residents.only.csv")
>  ###################################################################
> ########## Try lmer model NO Interactions ##########
> ###################################################################
> ptm <- proc.time()
> lmer.model = lmer(stunt.dhs ~
>        dis_ed_des+
> tc_pa+
> avg_clu_tc+
>  dist_road+
> pden_lscan+
> time.water+
>  wealth.index +
>         (1|country.code.short/year/cluster/household),
>         mydata,
> REML = F)
> print(lmer.model)
> proc.time() - ptm
> This works fine and gives the following output
> --
> Alicia Ellis
> Postdoc
> Gund Institute for Ecological Economics
> University of Vermont
> 617 Main Street
> Burlington, VT  05405
> (802) 656-1046
> http://www.wcs-heal.org
> http://www.uvm.edu/~aellis5
>  <http://entomology.ucdavis.edu/faculty/scott/aellis/>
>         [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
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