Oops! Spoke too soon.

Your fix fixed the problem I was having before, but it turns out the test
is now accepting every line. So there is still some problem with the logic
or with my implimentation of it.

I thought I should produce a reproducible example without 3 million lines
of data. I made a version with only the geography information and test.
Here is the code I am now using, applied to a file with only the first 8
lines of my geo data in it:

First I read the data in and print it out:

GEOshort.DF <- read.table("C:\\Users\\andrewH\\Documents\\Oakland Tech
                      header = FALSE, sep = ",", quote = "\"",  dec = ".",
skip=1, col.names=
                      c("originalRow", "GEO_ID", "GEOGRAPHY"), fill = TRUE,

Which yields:

> GEOshort.DF
  originalRow    GEO_ID     GEOGRAPHY
1           1   01000US United States
2        3115 04000US01       Alabama
3        5501 04000US02        Alaska
4        7924 04000US04       Arizona
5       10571 04000US05      Arkansas
6       14342 04000US06    California
7       17913 04000US08      Colorado
8       20442 04000US09   Connecticut

Then I try to select the rows that match my geo-codes:

GEOextract.DF  <- GEOshort.DF[
  any(GEOshort.DF$GEO_ID %in% c("01000US", "04000US06", "33000US488",
                              "31400US4186036084", "05000US06001",
"E6000US0600153000")), ]

This produces:
> GEOextract.DF
  originalRow    GEO_ID     GEOGRAPHY
1           1   01000US United States
2        3115 04000US01       Alabama
3        5501 04000US02        Alaska
4        7924 04000US04       Arizona
5       10571 04000US05      Arkansas
6       14342 04000US06    California
7       17913 04000US08      Colorado
8       20442 04000US09   Connecticut

This is what I want it to produce:

> GEOextract.DF
  originalRow    GEO_ID     GEOGRAPHY
1           1   01000US United States
2       14342 04000US06    California

Sorry about the confusion, and thanks again for your kind attention.

Peace & joy, Andrew

        "... But pattern-matching doesn't equal comprehension."  --Peter

On Sat, Apr 12, 2014 at 6:04 AM, Sarah Goslee <sarah.gos...@gmail.com>wrote:

> You need %in% instead.
> This is untested, but something like this should work:
> ECwork  <-  EC07_A1[ EC07_A1$GEO_ID %in% c("01000US", "04000US06",
> "33000US488",
> "31000US41860", "31400US4186036084" "05000US06001", "E6000US0600153000") &
>       EC07_A1$SECTOR %in% c("32", "33", "42", 44", 45", 51", 54", 61",
> "71",
> "81"), ]
> (Note that your original code snippet had a shortage of ) and didn't
> specify the data frame from which to take the columns.)
> Sarah
> On Sat, Apr 12, 2014 at 8:36 AM, Andrew Hoerner <ahoer...@rprogress.org>
> wrote:
> > Dear Folks--
> > I have a file with 3 million-odd rows of data from the 2007 U.S. Economic
> > Census. I am trying to pare it down to a subset of rows that both (1) has
> > any one of a vector of NAICS economic sector codes, and (2) also has any
> > one of a vector of geographic ID codes.
> >
> > Here is the code I am trying to use.
> >
> > ECwork  <-  EC07_A1[ any(GEO_ID == c("01000US", "04000US06",
> "33000US488",
> > "31000US41860", "31400US4186036084" "05000US06001", "E6000US0600153000")
> &
> >       any(SECTOR == c("32", "33", "42", 44", 45", 51", 54", 61", "71",
> > "81"), ]
> >
> > I get back the following error:
> >
> > Warning message:
> > In EC07_A1$SECTOR == c("32", "33", "42", "44", "45", "51", "54",  :
> >   longer object length is not a multiple of shorter object length
> >
> > I see what R is doing.  Instead of comparing each element of the column
> > SECTOR to the row vector of codes, and returning a logical vector of the
> > length of SECTOR with rows marked as TRUE that match any of the codes, it
> > is lining my code list up with SECTOR as a column vector and doing
> > element-by-element testing, and then recycling the code list over three
> > million rows. But I am not sure how to make it do what I want -- test the
> > sector code in each row against the vector of code I am looking for. I
> > would be grateful if anyone could suggest an alternative that would
> achieve
> > my ends.
> >
> > Oh, and I would add, if there is a way of correctly using doing this with
> > the extract function [], I would like to know what it is. If not, I guess
> > I'd like to know that too.
> >
> > Sincerely, Andrew Hoerner
> >
> > --
> > J. Andrew Hoerner
> > Director, Sustainable Economics Program
> > Redefining Progress
> > (510) 507-4820
> >
> --
> Sarah Goslee
> http://www.functionaldiversity.org

J. Andrew Hoerner
Director, Sustainable Economics Program
Redefining Progress
(510) 507-4820

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