ss <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in

> Hi list,
> If I have a matrix,
>> a<-read.table("a.txt",header=TRUE,row.names=1)
>> dim(a)
> [1] 4 3
>> a
>    x y z
> a1 1 6 3
> a2 2 6 3
> a3 2 3 8
> a4 5 3 4
> Can you suggest how to produce a plot like the one attached here?
> Basically, I want to plot each sample (each column) using the dots
> one by one and also have the average value of each column indicated?


If you want people to see an image file, you could instead put it in a 
web-accessible location and send an URL. Attachments are generally 
scrubbed by the list software.

While you are at it, please read the posting guide which says (in part):

"No binary attachments except for PS, PDF, and some image and archive 
formats (others are automatically stripped off because they can contain 
malicious software). Files in other formats and larger ones should rather 
be put on the web and have only their URLs posted. This way a reader has 
the option to download them or not."

David Winsemius
> Thank you so much and have a wonderful weekend!
> Allen
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