Informally abbreviating data is not recommended... I faked some, but would appreciate if you would make your example reproducible next time.

All I really did for performance was use the data you read in rather than re-scanning the file.

# generated by using dput()
lines <- c("X-Direction Node Positions, m",
" 5.931450000E+05  5.931550000E+05  5.931650000E+05  5.931750000E+05",
" 5.932450000E+05  5.932550000E+05  5.932650000E+05  5.932750000E+05",
" 5.946950000E+05  5.947050000E+05  5.947150000E+05  5.947250000E+05",
" 5.947950000E+05  5.948050000E+05  5.948150000E+05  5.948250000E+05",
"Y-Direction Node Positions, m",
" 1.148050000E+05  1.148050000E+05  1.148050000E+05  1.148050000E+05",
" 1.148050000E+05  1.148050000E+05  1.148050000E+05  1.148050000E+05",
" 1.171950000E+05  1.171950000E+05  1.171950000E+05  1.171950000E+05",
" 1.171950000E+05  1.171950000E+05  1.171950000E+05  1.171950000E+05",
"Z-Direction Node Positions, m",
" 9.550000000E+01  9.550000000E+01  9.550000000E+01  9.550000000E+01",
" 9.550000000E+01  9.550000000E+01  9.550000000E+01  9.550000000E+01",
" 9.550000000E+01  9.550000000E+01  9.550000000E+01  9.550000000E+01",
" 9.550000000E+01  9.550000000E+01  9.550000000E+01  9.550000000E+01",
"X-Direction Node Positions, n",
" 5.931450000E+05  5.931550000E+05  5.931650000E+05  5.931750000E+05",
" 5.932450000E+05  5.932550000E+05  5.932650000E+05  5.932750000E+05",
" 5.946950000E+05  5.947050000E+05  5.947150000E+05  5.947250000E+05",
" 5.947950000E+05  5.948050000E+05  5.948150000E+05  5.948250000E+05",
"Y-Direction Node Positions, n",
" 1.148050000E+05  1.148050000E+05  1.148050000E+05  1.148050000E+05",
" 1.148050000E+05  1.148050000E+05  1.148050000E+05  1.148050000E+05",
" 1.171950000E+05  1.171950000E+05  1.171950000E+05  1.171950000E+05",
" 1.171950000E+05  1.171950000E+05  1.171950000E+05  1.171950000E+05",
"Z-Direction Node Positions, n",
" 9.550000000E+01  9.550000000E+01  9.550000000E+01  9.550000000E+01",
" 9.550000000E+01  9.550000000E+01  9.550000000E+01  9.550000000E+01",
" 9.550000000E+01  9.550000000E+01  9.550000000E+01  9.550000000E+01",
" 9.550000000E+01  9.550000000E+01  9.550000000E+01  9.550000000E+01",
"", "")

getDimVar <- function( lines, Dim, specifiedvar, starts ) {
  vstart <- grep( paste0( "^", Dim, "-Direction Node Positions, "
                        , specifiedvar, "$" ), lines )
  startv <- match( vstart, starts )
  if ( 0 == length( startv ) ) {
    stop( "Variable ", specifiedvar, " not found" )
  if ( length( starts ) == startv ) {
    vend <- length( lines )
  } else {
    vend <- starts[ startv + 1 ] - 1
  tcon <- textConnection( lines[ seq( vstart + 1, vend ) ] )
  result <- scan( tcon )
  close( tcon )

starts <- grep( "^[XYZ]-Direction Node Positions, ", lines )

specifiedvar <- "n"
n <- data.frame( X=getDimVar( lines, "X", specifiedvar, starts )
               , Y=getDimVar( lines, "Y", specifiedvar, starts )
               , Z=getDimVar( lines, "Z", specifiedvar, starts ) )

# test a variable that doesn't exist
specifiedvar <- "o"
o <- data.frame( X=getDimVar( lines, "X", specifiedvar, starts )
               , Y=getDimVar( lines, "Y", specifiedvar, starts )
               , Z=getDimVar( lines, "Z", specifiedvar, starts ) )

On Sat, 9 Aug 2014, Waichler, Scott R wrote:


I have some very large (~1.1 GB) output files from a groundwater model called 
STOMP that I want to read as efficiently as possible.  For each variable there 
are over 1 million values to read.  Variables are not organized in columns; 
instead they are written out in sections in the file, like this:

X-Direction Node Positions, m
5.931450000E+05  5.931550000E+05  5.931650000E+05  5.931750000E+05
5.932450000E+05  5.932550000E+05  5.932650000E+05  5.932750000E+05
. . .
5.946950000E+05  5.947050000E+05  5.947150000E+05  5.947250000E+05
5.947950000E+05  5.948050000E+05  5.948150000E+05  5.948250000E+05

Y-Direction Node Positions, m
1.148050000E+05  1.148050000E+05  1.148050000E+05  1.148050000E+05
1.148050000E+05  1.148050000E+05  1.148050000E+05  1.148050000E+05
. . .
1.171950000E+05  1.171950000E+05  1.171950000E+05  1.171950000E+05
1.171950000E+05  1.171950000E+05  1.171950000E+05  1.171950000E+05

Z-Direction Node Positions, m
9.550000000E+01  9.550000000E+01  9.550000000E+01  9.550000000E+01
9.550000000E+01  9.550000000E+01  9.550000000E+01  9.550000000E+01
. . .

I want to read and use only a subset of the variables.  I wrote the function 
below to find the line where each target variable begins and then scan the 
values, but it still seems rather slow, perhaps because I am opening and 
closing the file for each variable.  Can anyone suggest a faster way?

# Reads original STOMP plot file (plot.*) directly.  Should be useful when the 
plot files are
# very large with lots of variables, and you just want to retrieve a few of 
# Arguments:  1) plot filename, 2) number of nodes,
# 3) character vector of names of target variables you want to return.
# Returns a list with the selected plot output.
READ.PLOT.OUTPUT6 <- function(plt.file, num.nodes, var.names) {
 lines <- readLines(plt.file)
 num.vars <- length(var.names)
 tmp <- list()
 for(i in 1:num.vars) {
   ind <- grep(var.names[i], lines, fixed=T, useBytes=T)
   if(length(ind) != 1) stop("Not one line in the plot file with matching variable 
   tmp[[i]] <- scan(plt.file, skip=ind, nmax=num.nodes, quiet=T)
}  # end READ.PLOT.OUTPUT6()

Scott Waichler
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Richland, WA, USA

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