Hi Stephane,

This is the well known result of limitted floating point precision (e.g.,
http://www.validlab.com/goldberg/addendum.html).  Using a test of
approximate rather than exact equality shows R yields the correct answer:

nperm <- 10000
Fperm <- replicate(n=nperm, anova(lm(sample(Y) ~ F, dat1))$F[1]) #
calculates nperm F values
(prob <- (sum(anova1$F[1] <= (Fperm + .Machine$double.eps ^ 0.5)) +
1)/(nperm +1))  # risk calculation



I picked .Machine$double.eps ^ 0.5 somewhat arbitrarily as the default for
equality testing from ?all.equal



On Tue, Sep 23, 2014 at 5:14 PM, Stéphane Adamowicz <
stephane.adamow...@avignon.inra.fr> wrote:

> Recently, I came across a strange and potentially troublesome behaviour of
> the lm and aov functions that ask questions about calculation accuracy. Let
> us consider the 2 following datasets dat1 & dat2 :
> > (dat1 <- data.frame(Y=c(1:3, 10+1:3), F=c(rep("A",3), rep("B",3))))
>    Y F
> 1  1 A
> 2  2 A
> 3  3 A
> 4 11 B
> 5 12 B
> 6 13 B
> > (dat2 <- data.frame(Y=c(10+1:3, 1:3), F=c(rep("A",3), rep("B",3))))
>    Y F
> 1 11 A
> 2 12 A
> 3 13 A
> 4  1 B
> 5  2 B
> 6  3 B
> They only differ in the order of values that were exchanged between
> samples A and B. Thus the sd is 1 for each sample in either data sets, and
> the absolute mean difference |A-B| is 10 in both datasets.
> Now, let us perform an anova to compare samples A and B in both datasets
> (of course, in such simple case, a bilateral T test would do the job, but
> an anova is nevertheless allowed and should give the same probability than
> Student's test):
> > (anova1 <- anova(lm(Y~F, dat1)))
> Analysis of Variance Table
> Response: Y
>           Df Sum Sq Mean Sq F value    Pr(>F)
> F          1    150     150     150 0.0002552 ***
> Residuals  4      4       1
> > (anova2 <- anova(lm(Y~F, dat2)))
> Analysis of Variance Table
> Response: Y
>           Df Sum Sq Mean Sq F value    Pr(>F)
> F          1    150     150     150 0.0002552 ***
> Residuals  4      4       1
> As expected, both datasets give a same anova table, but this is only
> apparent. Indeed :
> > anova1$F[1] == anova2$F[1]
> [1] FALSE
> > anova1$F[1] - anova2$F[1]
> [1] 5.684342e-14
> In fact the F values differ slightly, and this holds also for the aov
> function. I checked also (not shown) that both the residual and factorial
> sums of squares differ between dat1 and dat2. Thus, for some undocumented
> reason (at least for the end user), the F values depend on the order of
> data!
> While such tiny differences (e-14 in this example) are devoid of
> consequences on the risk evaluation by Fisher's distribution, they may have
> huge consequences on the risk evaluation by the permutation method. Indeed,
> the shift from continuous to discrete distributions is far from being
> insignificant.
> For instance, the following code in R is at the basis of many permutation
> algorithms found in the internet and in teaching because it seems quite
> straightforward (see for example
> http://www.uvm.edu/~dhowell/StatPages/More_Stuff/Permutation%20Anova/PermTestsAnova.html
> http://www.usna.edu/Users/math/jager/courses/sm439/labs/Lab7.pdf
> http://biostatistics1014.blogspot.fr/2013/04/one-way-anova-permutation-test-and.html
> http://adn.biol.umontreal.ca/~numericalecology/Rcode/):
> > nperm <- 1000 # number of permutations
> > Fperm <- replicate(n=nperm, anova(lm(sample(Y) ~ F, dat1))$F[1]) #
> calculates nperm F values
> > (prob <- (sum(anova1$F[1] <= Fperm) + 1)/(nperm +1))  # risk calculation
> [1] 0.04695305
> Of course, because of the sample function, repeating this code gives
> different prob values, but they remain always close to 5% instead of the
> exact probability of 10%. Indeed, there are only choose(6,3) = 20 possible
> permutations, but because they are symmetric, they give only 10 absolute
> mean differences. Thus, the only exact probabilities are 10%, 20% ... 100%.
> In our example where samples do not overlap, 10% is obviously the right
> answer.
> Thus, the use of lm and aov functions in permutation methods does not seem
> a good idea as it results in biases that underestimate the exact risk. In
> the simple case of one-way anova, it is quite simple to remedy this
> problem. As the total Sums of squares and the degrees of freedom do not
> change with permutations, it is easier and much faster to compare the
> residual sums of squares. For instance, the exact probabilities can be
> calculated that way :
> > combi <- combn(6, 3, FUN=function(i) {append(dat1$Y[i], dat1$Y[-i])}) #
> all permutations
> > SCEResid <- apply(combi, 2, FUN=function(x) sum(tapply(x, dat1$F,
> function(x) sum((x - mean(x))^2)))) # all resi SS
> > (prob <- mean(SCEResid <= SCEResid[1])) # risk calculation
> [1] 0.1
> 10% is indeed the exact risk.
> Finally, my problem is : How can we know if R libraries that use
> randomization procedures are not biased ? In the basic case of one way
> anova, it seems easy to submit the above example (by the way, the defunct
> lmPerm library does not succeed ...), but how can we check more complex
> anova models ?
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Joshua F. Wiley
Ph.D. Student, UCLA Department of Psychology
Senior Analyst, Elkhart Group Ltd.
Office: 260.673.5518

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