On 02/10/2014 16:40, Alexsandro Cândido de Oliveira Silva wrote:
I have a list (temp.data) with many raster data and some computations are in
parallel. n is the number of raster data and target is the mask. I'd like to
use a progress bar. It is created but while the loop is running the progress
is not showed. The loop ends and the progress bar is closed. I've tried to
use the functions pdCreate/pdStep in raster package, but without success...

Someone have any idea...

You are using parallel processes here. You do not tell us what packages you are actually using, but my guess is that

setTkProgressBar(mypb, i, title = "R progress bar", label = NULL)

updates a copy of mypb in the worker process, but it is the master process which is displaying the progress bar.

But without the complete reproducible example the posting guide asked for, we can only guess.

     mypb <- tkProgressBar(title = "R progress bar", label = "",  min = 0,
max = n, initial = 0, width = 300)

     #creating a computing cluster

     cl <- makeCluster(detectCores(),type='SOCK')

     registerDoParallel(cl, cores = detectCores())

     foreach(i=1:n,.packages=c('tcltk','rgdal','raster')) %dopar% {


       setTkProgressBar(mypb, i, title = "R progress bar", label = NULL)







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