
If you are wanting PDF as your output, are you wanting to use LaTeX or Markdown 
with knitr. LaTeX will give you more options. You have not shown an attempt to 
use either for your table construction. Can you define what you mean by pretty? 
Is it the underscores in the column names that are the problem?

> On Nov 25, 2014, at 2:12 PM, Tom Wright <> wrote:
> Hi,
> This problem has me stumped so I thought I'd ask the experts. I'm trying
> to create a pretty summary table of some data (which patients have had
> what tests at what times). Ideally I'd like to knitr this into a pretty
> PDF for presentation.
> If anyone has pointers I'll be grateful.
> require(tables)
> require(reshape2)
> data<-data.frame('ID'=paste0('pat',c(rep(1,8),rep(2,8))),
>                 'Time'=c(1,1,1,1,2,2,2,2,3,3,3,3,4,4,4,4),
>                 'Eye'=rep(c('OS','OS','OD','OD'),4),
>                 'Measure'=rep(c('Height','Weight'),8))
> tabular(Measure~factor(ID)*factor(Time)*factor(Eye),data)
> #All levels of Time are repeated for all IDs, I'd prefer to just show
> the relevant times.
> tabular(Measure~factor(ID)*Time*factor(Eye),data)
> #Time is getting collapsed by ID
> data$value=1
> dcast(data,Measure~ID+Time+Eye)
> #close but not very pretty
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