For an edx course, MIT's "The Analtics Edge", I need to install the "caret" package that was originated and is maintained by Dr. Max Kuhn of Pfizer. So far, every effort I've made to try to install.packages("caret") has failed. (I'm using R v. 3.1.3 and RStudio v. 0.98.1103 in LinuxMint 17.1)

Here are some of the things I've tried unsuccessfully:
install.packages("caret", repos=c("";, "";))
install.packages("caret", dependencies=TRUE)
install.packages("caret", repos=c("";, "";), dependencies=TRUE)
install.packages("caret", dependencies = c("Depends", "Suggests"))
install.packages("caret", repos="";)

I've changed my CRAN mirror from UCLA to Revolution Analytics in Dallas, and tried the above installs again, unsuccessfully.

I've succeeded in individually installing a number of packages on which "caret" appears to be dependent. Specifically, I've been able to install "nloptr", "minqa", "Rcpp", "reshape2", "stringr", and "scales". But I've had no success with trying to do individual installs of "BradleyTerry2", "car", "lme4", "quantreg", and "RcppEigen".

Any suggestions will be very gratefully received (and tried out quickly).

Thanks in advance.

Ron Wyllys

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