Dear R-list members
I am using �stat_summary� in ggplot to plot a  error bar graph comparing three 
treatmens (damage, see code below).
I would like to change the shape of the three symbols displaying the mean 
values (e.g one symbol should be a point (default) one should be a triangle and 
one should be a square). Furthermore, I would like that the outlines of my 
error bars are black (and that I can fill them with whatever color I want ( I 
used white, black and gray65).

Does Anyone of you know how to solve these problems?

I use the following code:

line<-ggplot(data,aes(leaf,cor_average,fill=damage, colour=damage))
#define x (leaf) and y (cor_average) variables within aes() and that they 
should be colored according to damage type
line+stat_summary(fun.y=mean, geom="point", size=3)+
#add mean as point symbol
stat_summary(,geom="errorbar",width=0.3, size=0.75)+
#add CI : width=width of CI whiskers, size=widht of the CI bar
labs(x="Leaf",y="Average nr. glands corrected for leaf sz.")

Thank you very much,

Eisenring Michael, Msc.
PhD Student

Federal Department of Economic Affairs, Education and Research
Institute of Sustainability Sciences ISS

Reckenholzstrasse 191, CH-8046 Z�rich
Tel. +41 44 37 77181
Fax +41 44 37 77201<><>

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